Hiding (chapter 6)

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My heart was pounding through my chest, and my sweat was trickling down my palms. Why had he said he couldn't? Does he have a girlfriend? Honestly, I don't think anyone's good enough for him! Drew was coming closer and closer to us, so Mason shoved me along with himself into the coat closet...SO ROMANTIC!

Drew passed us, and it was like he was sniffing his way around and tracking us like a dog? Yep, that definitely happened! He came to the door and froze.

Mason whispered "See you later. Danz. Aly. Grigori." His whisper sent shivers down my spine. It was sort of nice....

Drew opened the door and barged in, and I pretended to be knocked down. "Danz! Are you okay? What are you doing in here?" I could see he was ready to argue.

'Uh oh,' I think 'He's going to see Mason!' But Drew didn't say anything, he just looked around suspicious.

I turned around and gasped. Mason was gone! I showed no emotion and said "Well, this isn't the bathroom!"

Meanwhile I was thinking "Where'd he go!" I turned back to Drew looking clueless.

I smile and say "I missed you on Furfulday. Where were you?" he looks worried that I’m forgetting things. Obviously I’m fine, but he doesn't know that! I hear something that sounded like a chuckle, a sexy chuckle. No emotion comes out but on the inside, I'm laughing really hard and blushing tomato red! It's a good thing I’m such a talented actress, otherwise this would be really awkward!

He picks me up bridal-style because I pretend to wobble. I cough, but I make it sound worse than it actually is.

He said "I'm so sorry you hurt yourself." and he kisses me tenderly, but long. I heard someone say 'pfft', that’s what I heard! I was so distracted by Drew, I didn't even notice something moving in the corner....


I fell asleep in Drew's arms, and he took me to the hammock.

Author's note: Hey guys, I know this chapter was really short, and well most of them are, but I can't make them longer cuz that'll take out the effect. Example- Let's say there was a 2 year old girl, and she screamed. The mother would run out and probably see something shocking. So it'd be more dramatic if you wrote: 'I heard my little girl scream. I run outside....OH NO!' rather than: 'I heard my little girl scream. I ran outside....OH NO! She tripped(or whatever happend to her)'. See the effect? Anyways, Did you think they were going to get busted? I would've thought that if I were the reader! Vote+Comment= Happy me!

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