It's On (chapter 16)

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  • Dedicated to Shayna Lee

I grab Rob's hand and get off stage. The crowd high fives Rob.

I don't have time for this. I let go of Rob's hand and I squeeze through the crowd. I legit fall to the ground as I escape the drunken crowd. As I fall, I watch Mason walk out the door.

"MASON!" I scream stumbling to the door.

Mason just looks over his shoulder down at me. He gives me a blank expression on his face. He just shakes his head. He reaches for the door and pushes it open.

I practically crawl to the exit, with beer bottles flying everywhere. I fling the door open. I search left and right of the parking lot to find nothing. Frustrated, I grip my head.

Where does he always escape to?


I wake up the next morning in my bed with my head pounding, and not having even the slightest memory of what happened last night. I remain laid down because I was scared to sit up.

I peek over the edge of my bed to see Rob sleeping on the floor.

Aw! Boys look so cute when they're asleep. Normally, I'd wake him up for the fun of it, but I'll let it slide this time. I mean, he took me home yesterday. I think. I hope. Honestly, for his sake, it better have been him who took me home.

Rob jolted awake suddenly. "Danz?" Rob asks.

"Yes?" I say groggily.

Then a pang of energy hits me, and I'm up and dancing.

"Come on," I say in a sing-song voice to Rob.

"No," He groans.

"You know you could’ve slept on the bottom daybed?" I ask, stating the obvious.

"Uch, I forgot about that!" He exclaims.

"Nah nah!" I say sticking my tongue out at him.

"You sure you're okay?" He asks me, as if me being alright is odd.

"Yes!" I say dancing to prove my point.

What really happened last night?

"Well, fine then." Rob says.

"Right," I say jumping him.

"Get up and give me yo money! Hands where I can see 'em!" I mug him.

"Alright, I surrender." Rob says, then pulls me down.

I kick him where it hurts. Rob cries out in pain.

"Rule number one: NEVER LET THEM GET ANYWHERE NEAR YOUR BUDDY!" I say clicking my tongue to the roof of my mouth.

"What's rule number two?" Rob asks slyly.

"You'll find out soon enough," I reply mysteriously.

I get up and dive my elbow into Rob's stomach.

"Ow what was that for? Rule number two?" Rob asks.

"Nope, I just wanted to do that," I say evilly.

"You little devil." He says.

"That's what they call me," I say linking my fingers together and resting my chin on them.

"Yeah, I know." Rob says.

I pout.

"Seriously though, get up." I whine.

"Alright! You fourteen year olds, sheesh!" Rob whines back.

After Rob and I brush our teeth, and I brush my hair, we realized Rob doesn't have any change of clothes. I sniff Rob to check if he was okay, phuf! No!

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