Good bye (chapter 21)

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"Rob do you really have to go?" I ask Rob.

"Yes." Rob replies.

"What? And leave me here ALL ALONE?!?!?" I exclaim over dramatic.

"Pretty much," Rob answers, shrugging his right shoulder.

"The nerve." I say clenching my teeth.

Rob smiles. He has a contagious smile! I think it's like a British thing!

I smile then sigh. "I don't want you to go." I say then pout.

"You'll be fine! Besides I'll be back for your birthday!" Rob says cheery.

"In a whole month and one day!" I exclaim.

"You're saying it wrong; A MONTH AND ONE DAY!" Rob exclaims like a girl. His accent makes it so much funnier!

"Rob," I start shaking my head because I'm frustrated.

"If you don't cheer up I won't come." Rob says.

"Whipee." I say with fake enthusiasm.

"Better." Rob says.


It's twelve AM. Where had this day gone? Rob and I went fishing (I caught a mother load more than Rob! His face was hilarious!), watched The Hunger Games, packed, and went out to pizza fro dinner.

I am currently in the car with Alex driving and Rob with his luggage in the trunk.

I know what you're thinking; yes, I had to drag Alex out of his bed and threaten him just so he would drive Rob to the airport. No; I will not tell you what I threatened him with.

I keep hugging Rob because I will miss him! I mean, of course he is going to be back soon, but not soon enough! I mean a month? I could die within that time!

"Danz! Relax! Think of good things; unicorns and rainbows!" Rob says.

"I AM NOT A CHILD." I say.

"Well you're acting like one." Alex says.

I roll my eyes at Alex and say to Rob, "I'll miss you." And then I make a frowning face.

"I know. You said it like four hundred times already!" Rob answers.

I smack him.

"Ow!" Rob says. "What was that for?" Rob asks.

"That is what you get!" I retort.

Rob scowls.

"Don't scowl; someone can fall in love with your smile." I say inspirationally.

Rob scowls again. I lift my hand to threaten him. He smiles and laughs nervously.

"Better." I say, and smile because he said that earlier.

We get out of the car and take the luggage out of trunk. We go in through the entrance, obviously. Like how else can we get in? Besides for the windows. Although the airport has no windows. Now that I think about it, I am really weird. Tell me something I don't know.

As we reach the security check, I give Rob a kiss on the cheek.

"I-" I say.

"-'ll miss you," Rob finishes for me, taking my face into his hands.

He lets go and I give him a hug. He walks in through the security thing and puts his stuff in the box thing, which goes in through the machine and inspects everything. He takes his stuff and walks away.

"I'll miss you," I whisper, although he is already too far to hear.


"Stop whining!" I whine to Alex.

Every time he is tired, he whines like a baby! I'm the baby of the family! And oddly enough, I AM PROUD OF IT!

We reach the driveway and park. FINALLY! We stay in our seats for a few minutes and I hear snoring.

"Alex? Alex!" I scream.

He is passed out. I get out of the car and slam the door as hard as I can, which isn't very hard because I'm tired. I stomp to the side of the car Alex is on and he is still sleeping! I open his car door and nudge him.

"Alex? Alex!" I scream.

Guess I have no choice. I slap him so hard his cheek turned cherry red compared to the other beige cheek on his face. I run. He gasps as he wakes up and holds his cheek.

"DANZ!" He yells.

"That's my cue!" I thought running inside to my room and locking the door.

Normal is OVERRATED (Book I: OVERRATED series)Where stories live. Discover now