The Challenge (chapter 9)

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Roland's lips were rough and hot. He pulled me in for seconds and I thought about how I'm such a boy attracter when I'm injured! Did that really just happen? I can't believe he just did that! Did Roland really just do that? Kiss me? He most likely knows that I like his brother. He most likely knows I have a boyfriend! He's probably just teasing me! But you know what? I'm up for the challenge....

When he was about to pull away, I pulled him in deeper and stronger.

He saw my challenge, and tried to top it. He didn't wimp off like I thought he would, he started pushing himself against me.

He pulled away, but only to say "I'm not wimping off, if you want to, that's cool".

Then he put his hands up in the air like he didn't care.

He shrugged and said "But, I thought you're one to do that-" before he could finish his thought, I shoved him down, and started kissing him. What am I doing? I like his brother Mason, not him. No! I like Drew!

He starts kissing me back. Maybe he likes me? 

I hear someone clear their throat and I look in the pathway by the door against my will. All I see is someone with their head down, and disgust on their face. His scent is familiar, and he's holy.

WOW, WOW, WOW! HOLY? Holy cow! How do I know he's holy?

Probably my instincts.

My INSTINCTS? Since when do I have INSTINCTS? This is way too weird!

"Mason come back," I hear myself barely whisper.

Too late, he's already running back to wherever he came from.

I turn to Roland, and he's smiling.

He said "Not bad, not bad at all Grigori..."

"What did you do??!" I snap at Roland.

"Well it hurts me to say Prince Charming has left again! Repeat much?" Roland answers and asks.

"You seriously don't want to mess with me," I start.

"Or what?" He flirtily taunts. Is it even possible for someone to flirtily taunt? Obviously in this case.

I kick him in the balls. He goes numb with pain. He falls to the ground with a thud and a groan.

It's in my nature to help a creature in pain, even Roland. Now that I think about it, what is my NATURE? Since when did I have one? My nature? WHAT!

I help Roland up, and smile. He winks at me, and I give him nothing but a blank expression.

"You never told me you were Luyson's cousin," I say. "You never asked. Also seeing that I barely know you, why would I tell you?" He said as if it was the most manifest thing in the world.

"Well this is something you would never ask anyone to do," I say with a sweet smile.

I kick him, punch him, elbow him, knee him, bite him (not in that way creeper), anything you can think of! I beat him up any way possible! He is going to have several black and blue marks tomorrow. I kick him in the balls one more time and start to run.

Thank God I took track when I was younger. Then I reached the street, and I was about to run and try to catch up with him. Suddenly, I stopped. I heard a voice in my head. It said "Don't go, it's not the right timing." I fought the voice in my head and started running again.

"Danzabelle! Please don't go now. Give him time, trust me. He and you have a lot of that. Mason-" I cut the voice of in my head and say it out loud than in my head, "How do you know him?" I ask instantly alert.

"Who are you? Why are you in my mind? Why aren't you answering any of my questions?"

I hear its soothing voice "Shhhh. Danzabelle, I can't communicate with you, therefore..." I try to protect my mind. Its voice was getting half static. "Danzabelle? Danzabelle?" Its voice was getting more distant and more distant.

"Danzabelle? You don't understand! I've been protecting you! Dia!" I automatically drop the protective barriers around my mind when I hear my childhood nickname.

"How do you know me?" I ask confused. It ignores me and continues.

"As I was saying, I can't communicate with you, therefore I must go. But please, I know you don't know who I am, and although you may not listen to me, on behalf of yourself, don't go to Mason yet. As for me, it will be painful to watch. Goodbye Dia." It said.

My childhood nickname was like an echo in my head! I felt his presence leave me.

I debate if I should be frightened.

 This isn't the first time I heard it in my mind. It always gave me advice. If I took its advice, life was either normal and carries on, or life was brilliant and lasts brilliant for the next few days or so. If I didn't follow the advice, than something would go horribly wrong!

Ever since now, he's been getting stronger and clearer. I think to myself what I did recently. Oh yes, I met Mason and went to the park with Drew. That's it! Maybe this voice was meant for Mason! When I was younger, this voice was for unimportant reasons, now it doesn't seem like that. There were dangerous reasons, but still minor reasons. Mason seems really important to me, and this voice is always right, so maybe this voice knows what it's talking about! 


When I was eight, I was sharpening my pencil in the pencil sharpener and it was making a weird noise. All of a sudden, I remember It saying "Duck!", and of course I obeyed. The pencil sharpener shot out the pencil, and if I hadn't ducked it would've taken off my head! The boys started laughing. It was only then I realized the boys put a spring in the pencil sharpener to shoot the pencil out. I went up to them and started cracking my knuckles. I was about to punch them. The teacher said "Danzabelle, sit down."

"Please don't call me Danzabelle," I say with a sweet smile.

"Okay Danz." She says blankly.

The boys say " Danzabelle, sit down!" mimicking the teacher. I glare at them, but they continue taunting. "You just made a big mistake," I say.

"Oh, we're scared!" The boys say.

"You should be," I say. My hand s burst with power and a boy named Riley goes flying up in the air. I lift him up using gravity.

I was so freaked out!

The teacher looked at me in the eye and I said "You saw nothing," 

"I saw nothing," she repeats.

"I was never here,"

"You were never here." She repeats.

I turn around to the class and I look each student in the eye. I whisper, but instead of saying it out loud, it was in their minds. Freaky! I said "If you know what's good for you, and then I was never here, nothing happened. Danz threw up, nothing else happened." I say sternly. I walk backwards out and out of all the boys, Drew, Eric, Cam, Chandler, and Benly don't look scared. Actually they look pretty amused! Been there, done that!

But that was then, and now is now....

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