Unexpected (chapter 8)

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  • Dedicated to Gabrielle Erica Meyer

I try to get up from the hammock. Epic fail! I stay lying on the grass, staring up at the bottom on the hammock. I roll over to get a view of the sky and the clouds. I didn't think my life can get anymore complex than it already is. Too bad for me it is going to!

I stare at the sky and start singing the song: Dancing Till the World Ends by Britney Spears.

'See the sunlight, We ain't stopping, Keep on dancing till the world ends. If you feel it, let it happen. Keep on dancing till the world ends."

I hear someone's footsteps walking towards me and I stutter: "I was just taking inventory on this, uh...." I look around and find what I'm looking for. "How the photosynthesis pattern disassembles under the hammok without radiation!" I blurt. I get angry at myself for the curse of my advanced brains.

I hear chuckling, and I realize it is neither Drew nor Lys.

"Roland?" I say more as a statement than a question.

As in Roland Mason's older brother Roland? My new neighbor?

My instincts told me of Roland's presence. Hold the train, my INSTINCTS?

Then I hear clapping, and see someone run past so fast, scary fast! If I didn't know better, I'd say this person was flying.

"Looks like Prince Charming has fled the castle." Roland said making his hands go into a motion of a flying butterfly.

I will NOT take this from Roland! I got up, sucked up the pain in my head and all around my body, and punched Roland in the gut. To my surprise, he didn't react! I swear, his stomach was like pure rock!

"Is that the best you've got?" He said.

I step in on him, challenging him and say "Depends on how easy you fall and how cute you are!" I curse myself for my automatic flirting.

I liked his brother not him! No! I like Drew! No! I'm supposed to love Drew, I did yesterday! No! I love Drew, I'm just in the phase of a relationship when your feelings hide.

Roland steps in closing the gap in between us. "What level am I on Danzzzz?" He says challengingly.

Damn him! He probably knows I hate it when people add z's to my name!

"Depends," I press.

"What does that mean?" He flirts.

"Whatever you want it to mean." I say practically whisper and walk away.

Always leave them wanting more....

Apparently, Roland didn't agree with my theory! He grabbed my arm, and by reflex I elbowed him in the jaw, and I realized there's no danger here. Before I realize this, I knock him of balance and throw him in the air. I have to give him more credit, he is better than I thought! He flips himself and lands on his feet behind me and grabs my neck. I let him stay for a moment, and wish he was Mason. But it isn't going to happen, so I relax and pretend to indulge.

He has some mercy, but before he lets me go, I elbow his gut and give a taunting laugh followed by a back kick. I laugh harder because it was hilarious! Before he has time to fall, I flip over to catch him. He ends up awkwardly close in my arms.

I realize he is as uncomfortable as I am, but we're both good at hiding it. If you are in the game, you got to go for the gold. In other words, if I'm in it, I win it!

I smile and both of us are surprised to see my smile truly sincere. I lean in, knowing that he knows I'm only teasing. But I want to test it out to see what he'll do, so I keep on leaning in until I was legit less than an inch away from his lips.

He totally caught me off guard when he leaned in and kissed me! Actually, he didn't have to lean in, more like lift his head. I was so taken aback by surprise that I actually flinched when his lips touched mine.

Author's note: Did anyone see that coming? I know I wouldn't! Please Vote and Comment! Vote+Comment= Happy me!

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