Life's Full of Surprises (chapter 7)

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We were gliding across the sky. Things feeling like it was all finally falling into place. Then his shape was starting to become clear. Then his clothing. Everything was starting to become clear! Then his face....

I woke up by hearing Luyson talking. She was asking someone something. It sounded like she was asking someone to take me home....the male from earlier before. Wow, Déjà vu! But he said something that sounded like he said he couldn't risk falling for me again.

Maybe he meant falling WITH me rather than FOR me.

I look up to see the clouds and swing myself back and forth on the hammock. I realized I just gave away that I was conscious again, so why not just look to see whose talking? I turn my head slowly because the pain in my head and body are excruciating.

I first look to the right. No one was there, just the neighbor's backyard fence that was white, tall, and thin. Then I look to the left and I see a glimpse of a shadow. There was a bright blinding light in the way of the person's body. I felt faint.

Does anyone else feel dizzy?

Where'd the lights go! Turn them back on!

AHHHH....I fainted, again!


I saw a bright light and figured if I'm dead, I'm going to be VERY pissed off at G-d because I think Mason was actually starting to like me, and so far things were good between us two!

I really need to get this into my head; I am with DREW, DREW, DREW! I only loved DREW, DREW, MASON!

Uh oh, I think I need a conversation with Dr. Phil, or as I like to call her: Shay.

I have a dispute with myself wondering if I should call her or not. On one hand, she might think I'm a selfish, obsessive, brat, but on the other hand, maybe she'll give me advice that'll help.

After a few minutes, I decide to call. I call her and this is what I hear:

'Why is everybody so petrified (what), Petrified (what), Just step aside, and drop that (common), Drop that (common), Drop that (common), Drop drop that (common)! Why is everybody-'

"Hello?" Shay answers on the other side of the phone line in a sing song voice. 

"Sup?" I say.

"What's wrong? Don't you dare say nothing's wrong!" Shay says in no mood to argue.

"How'd you know?" I ask. "Whenever you want to avoid your problems, you try to think and hear about someone else's problems! I think I'd know considering I've known you for fourteen years! Well, fifteen and a month anyways." Shay explains.

"Has it ever crossed your mind that I'm just nice?" I ask.

"Nope, you're not that nice! Joking! But seriously, W-H-A-T  I-S  W-R-O-N-G?" She says spelling out the question for me.

"Will you ever let this go?" I ask hesitantly.

"Don't count on it!" Shay says and I'm guessing she's smiling.

I sigh.

"Fine so remember my new nei-" I start.

"YES" She cuts me off.

 I clear my throat as if to say 'You done yet?'.

"Sorry! Continue!" Shay apologizes.

I continue: "So, I went to Luyson's house, you know her right?"

"Yes" Shay answers.

"Well, I went to go swimming, and her cousins were there, boy cousins, and I had an accident by the pool,"

"WHOA! WHAT?" Shay screams.

"It's not what it sounds like! The  diving board snapped and I felt like someone was with me, holding me, and protecting me when I fell unconscious. Yet, I felt safe." I say.

"Oy, you must of been petrified!" She says.

"I don't need you pity!" I spat. Then I say "Sorry, you're just worried and I'm acting all bi-polar! But, it's just after what happened, and having all your pity thrown at me, it's just too much to bear." I put my head in my hands.

"It's fine! Go on with the story!" Shay goads.

"So when I woke up Dre-" I stop remembering again that she doesn't know that I have a boyfriend.  "A friend came and helped me up. I went to the bathroom and fell down the staircase....right into someone's arms. I stayed still and finally I got the guts to look and it was Mason! So, I played chill, and then my friend came and Mason pushed me into a closet! My friend eventually found us. Mason said my name in that amazing voice of his! It sounded too good coming from his mouth! Drew- I mean uchh whatever!" I decide to tell Shay the truth. "Drew Ogistrov is my boyfriend. All these times today I said my 'friend', that was Drew. So now, Drew came in and kissed me, and Mason just disappeared somewhere! Maybe he was in the back or something. I heard noised like 'pfft' and 'whatever' in the closet somewhere, but I didn't really pay attention to it. You'd seriously be surprised at how big this closet was! It was like the main one; also known as the biggest. I fell asleep in Drew's arms and he placed me on Luyson's hammock. I was woken up again by Luyson's cousin and her talking. He said he couldn't fall FOR me again! Maybe he meant WITH me, but I don't know. I saw a bright light and had to squint because it was so strong, and then I fainted again."

I didn't want to tell Shay that I'd be pissed off if I died because things were going well with Mason! So, I skipped that part. I also skipped the part when I realized I love Mason, but what about Drew? I loved him too! Shay will either say I barely know him, we're perfect for each other, or she'll gossip about it to everyone (which she usually does when this kind of drama, boy drama, occurs)! Either way, it would be a mistake if I mention those things to her.

"Girl, you are so lucky! If I didn't love you, I'd be jealous! You're life is so awesome! Enjoy it! I'd love to have your life!" Shay said.

Gasp! If she didn't say that she loved me, I would've back talked.

Instead, I said "I'll gladly switch, let's make a deal! You kill me now, and you can have it! Although, I'm not so sure anyone will be pleased because it's not going to be me, but whatever!"

"Don't talk like that!" Shay says. "You have a better life than me! Well, equal because I learned to appreciate what I have!"

I laugh and say: "Did your parents ground you again for bugging them about buying the X BOX 360 Kinnect System?"

"Maybe..." she answers. "WHY DOES IT MATTER ANYWAYS?" She shouts.

"Sheesh! Somebody's in denial." I say in a sing song voice and then laugh.

We go on talking about life, and I get confused.

Why was Mason there?

OH NO! Life was going to get a little more complex than it should ever be.... 

Author's note: So what do you think if my story so far? What do you think is going to happen? I'm so happy that there at least forty people reading my story daily! I'd even be happy if there were two because to know that someone likes your story, is really important to me. FORTY PEOPLE, that's pretty amazing! Thank you so much guys, it means a lot to me! Please vote and comment! Vote+Comment= Happy me!                                                                                                   

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