Unsuspected (chapter 36)

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A/N: My friends were freaking out when they read this during lunch today! The friend who freaked out the most...is Shaybear of course! So I'm dedicating this chapter to her. LUV YA SHAYBEAR! <3



What does he mean? Is he my father? Who everyone claims I'm the daughter of? Well, duh...that's what father means! Is he the voice that has always been warning me in my head? Is this why? Because I'm his daughter?

"I know you have many questions," Poseidon says, calmer than I'd expect him to be. DUDE! You just dropped the bomb on your MERMAID VAMPIRE daughter that you are her father! At least TRY to act excited!

This is actually the first time I've ever actaully seen Poseison compared to only hearing his voice in my head, except for when I look in the mirror and see his nose, eyes, and long thick hair.

"I know this may be a shock to you," Poseidon starts. I stand there, in the city of Olympis by his throne, eyes wide from so many feeling flooding me. Finally I say, "MAY?"

"Dia," Poseidon starts to say.

"No." I start to say frustrated.

"Dia," Poseidon starts again.

"NO!" I exclaim suddenly, very loud.


Out of nowhere, the image of where I am in my dream starts to shatter like a mirror cracked into a million tiny pieces.


I wake up sweating , panting out of breath. I look around where I am. I'm in my room! WHAT THE HELL? How did I get here?!?!

"Hello?" I call weakly from my room throughtout the house.

The house was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Guess nobody is home.

I sit up in bed trying to figure out whay just happened; Drew is a werewolf. Mason is a angel. Luuyson is a soul snatcher. I don't know if Arianne is anything, but lets hope not, I don't want anyone else dragged into this.

I put my head into my hands and groan. I stay like this for about twenty seconds until I hear a door creak.

Probably just my imagination, I think. Then I hear light footsteps and think to myself, OR NOT! I hide under my pile of blankets on top of me and camaflouge as just another lump of the many. Then I think, How did this person get into my house? I didn't hear anything...this person was obviously let in... I realize.

I look up and see Roland sitting in a chair next to my bed, reading Fallen by: Lauren Kate.

Roland snorts. "These are all just lies." Roland pauses. "Except for how Luce and Daniel are star-crossed lovers because..." Roland trails off. We both know Roland was going to say 'Because you and Mason are...'. "BUT," Roland says trying to change the subject, "This Roland guy seems pretty awesome..." I smile. There is a character in the book called Roland Sparks, and this Roland's last namme is Sparks too. Huh. What are th odds?

Then I realize something, "Hey, what time is it?" I ask.

"Eleven." Roland answers.

"So I was out for four hours?" I ask, just to make sure.

"Eleven AM." Roland re-asnwers.

"And you were here the whole time?" I ask incrediously.

"Yup." Roland says, popping the 'p'.

Wow. Roland stayed with me the whole time~ Why?

"How are you feeling?" Roland asks.

"I think I hit my head or something." I reply, rubbing my forehead gently.

"Yeah, on a rock." Roland says, confirming I have an injury.

"WHAT?" I exclaim. "OW!" I wince from, pain.

"Yeah, you were running vampire speed and just like collapsed randomly. You mumbled something about about--" Roland tries o remember while tapping his chin with his index finger. "Uh--I forget. But when you mumbled 'daddy?' out loud just now I came back to check on you." Roland says.

"So, on a rock?" I ask, shocked he would watch over me for so long, or watch me at all...

He nods. "So," I say slwoly. "Why are you here?" I quickly blurt, m curiousity taking over me. Roland freezes as he was snooping around in my drawers...PERVERT! "Roland?" I ask. He stalls while he lifts up my bra and plays with it. I give him a death glare and he immediately drops it back into the drawer and shuts it. "Roland?" I ask again, raising my voice.

Finally Roland gave up with a sigh. "Didn't Mason tell you?" Roland asks. I shake my head 'no'.

"I'm also your gaurdian angel."

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