Betrayal (chapter 19)

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I am seriously in need of a long walk on the boardwalk! I run to the boardwalk and go down the ramp to the sand. I take my flip-flop sneakers off and leave them under the boardwalk on this chair nobody knows about.

I run to the water and spin around laughing until I get dizzy and fall down smiling. I hear someone make a 'Whoo-hoo-hoo!' noise and locate the location's the source. The water.

I remember when those days tortured me.


It was a few days after I transformed on my tenth birthday.

I couldn't go near the water for days. Mom wouldn't let me. No showers, no washing my hands (only purell), and definitely no swimming.

It bothered me. I was under lock down. It was the summer, and I couldn't even go to camp!

I finally gave up on ever having a life again.

I went outside to the hammock. The sprinklers were timed and they went on.

I suddenly felt wet, obviously, but not that kind of wet. Impossibly moist all over my entire body. The hammock snapped and broke.

I stare at my formed tail. I roll to the shade where nobody can see me and all my mermaid glory. PHEW!

That's when I remembered the book. 'A mermaid will always transform until she learns to control her transformation. She/he may also have a false attempt at preventing transformation is she/he cannot think or control their body itself.' Well gee!

I suck in a breath and the tail leaves.

This is going to be a pain.


I shiver remembering that time.

I recognize the body in the water.


What is Roland doing here? I think. If Roland is here, then Mason must be here! But Mason is mad at me. But I should be mad at Mason! I seem to be at conflict with myself. I think. I babble on and on in my mind.

I perk up, and then perk down. Mason probably doesn't want to see me right now. But I should be mad at him! He accused me, and never told me he was Lys's cousin!

Wait, if Roland was just in the hospital a few days ago, how has he healed so fast? I wonder.

My eyes are suddenly like binoculars. I can zoom in and zoom out, can focus them! Incredible!

There! What's that? A flash of colors. Oh boy. Mason was making out with someone.

I turn around quickly. Maybe if I pretend to walk by back or something they wouldn't see me.

I just can't believe he'd do that! Rebound much? I mean, we were never technically dating but, URG!

I sneak away, low to the sand, and run. Run and run. I feel...I can't even put it into words. BETRAYED. How could he?


I bump into something.


"What's now?" Blaze asks.

Did I just say that out loud? I think.

"Yes." Blaze replies.

Did I just say THAT out loud? I think.

"Yes! Everything you just said, or I don't know, or THOUGHT, was out loud." Blaze says.

"Oh. Why are you here?" I ask.

"Delivered the motor cycle." Blaze replies.

"Wait. What time is it?" I ask wayward.

"11:03." Blaze answers.

I'm late! I think.

"I just thought that out loud again, didn't I?" I ask Blaze.

"Yup." Blaze says popping the 'p'.

"Urg!" I say out of frustration. "I got to stop doing that!" I yell.

Just then Mason turns in out direction.

"TRANSPORT ME HOME!" I scream, jumping onto Blaze's back.

"Why can't you do it yourself?" Blaze asks.

"Now." I say.

I see Mason starting to run in our direction.

Blaze transports me in front of my house.

"Thanks," I say, jumping off his back giving him a kiss on the cheek.

I walk to the door and turn around and ask, "Blaze?"

But he's already gone.

Normal is OVERRATED (Book I: OVERRATED series)Where stories live. Discover now