Goodbye Drew (chapter 43)

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I hear another voice boom across the room a second later; "ROLAND? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?"

"Mason? What are YOU doing here?" Roland questions.

"I'm saving Danz. What are YOU doing here?" Mason snaps.

"I'M saving Danz!" Roland replies sternly.

"No, I'M saving Danz!" Mason screams.

"NO! I'M SAVING DANZ!" Roland screams.

Okay number one: Since when did Roland care for me to fight Mason to protect me? Number two: SOMEONE JUST SAVE ME ALREADY!

Then Mason jumped through the air from the window sills in front of me to the window sills above me, where Roland is. His wings were flowing behind him, and he pushed Roland off the window sill, both of them falling outside into the pond surrounding Hades house.

Oooh, my saviors! Sarcasm.

"Now back to what I was saying--" Hades starts, but gets interrupted by someone's strong leg going in between his legs.

Hades falls on his knees to the ground with a small thud, and a noise of pain.

Tyler smirks victoriously. "SUCK IT!" Tyler yells at Hades, motioning his hands down towards his balls.

Hades hisses. "How dare you!" Then Hades gets up and throws Tyler against the marble wall next to me, not even damaging the marble wall.


"Wow! Someone has got to lay off the steroids!" I yell.

Hades limps towards me and slaps me straight across the face, making a blood red color staying on my face, his fingers traced where he hit me. My scream echoes off the walls.

"Don't I don't have any, I don't know, GAURDIAN ANGELS?!?!?!" I exclaim.

Roland and Mason appear on the window sill above us, and I know this because my hair gets drips of water dropped on it.

"Coming!" Roland exclaims, his wet wings sloppily making him go down at a fast speed. Mason jumps on Roland's back and they both come crashing down on top of Hades.

"What a 'NOT-EXPECTANTING-THAT' moment!" Tyler yells, cracking up.

Hades is crushed under me and Roland screams: "TYLER!" and points to me.

Tyler quickly breaks off the chains and helps me down. He holds me bridal style and doens't know which guy to give me to.

I just shrug and close my eyes, so it is as if I had no pick. Tyler gently hands me to bridal style to a pair of strong arms.

I open my eyes slowly and see Mason's beautiful face. "Mase," I say smiling.

"Danz," He replies smiling too.

I look at Tyler beating the shit out of Hades, no doubt trying to regain his confidence, and Roland kicking Hades over and over again out of black anger. Hopefully that will give us some stalling time.

Mason puts me down on my feet and we run at a human pace, through all the rooms until we hit the main room.

Drew is lying down on the couch, staring up thoughtfully at the ceiling. He jumps up when he sees us in the room.

"You escaped?" He asks incrediously.

"Duh." I say rudely, trying to make this goodbye less painful if we get into a fight. "Are you coming with us?" I ask, although I am already sure of the answer.

"I think I'll stay here a while," Drew replies, now looking down at the floor.

My eyes tear up.

My friend, my boyfriend, my love, my Drew, my MATE.

"Bye Drew," I say, giving him a big long kiss on the lips for him to remember me by.

I start running with Mason again, reluctantly glancing back at Drew.

A tear rolls down my cheek.

Goodbye Drew.

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