Caught By Surprise (chapter 39)

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{ Hailey POV }

'Mason is really happy right now that Danz chose him. I'd be happy if my starr-crossed lover, whose love was destined to fail, chose me over a werewolf! But I'd also feel guilty...because I'd know Drew won't ever be the same again.

I have to go Arielle, Tyler and Valerie are fighting AGAIN. Bye Arielle.


"It's not my fault, it's yours!" Tler accuses.

"You're the one who pushed me intentionally!" Valerie retorts.

A glass plate was smashed on the floor into a tiny million pieces, random pieces having random colors on them.

"What the hell guys?" I scream. "That was mom's favorite plate!"

"Well it's not like she is just going to come down with father from heaven to randomly join with her loving family! She is too busy being part of the stnking ELDERS! And dad's person he's watching over because the person he was gaurding got bombed in his unit in the army! Now he is too busy fro anything--he is constantly gaurding heaven. So do you think they will be back anytime soon?" Tyler asks skepticall.

"I guess you're right..." I say.

"The sink!" Valerie exclaims, pointing to overflowed sink.

"You see what you do!" Tyler yells.

"Me?" Valerie screams.

"Yeah, you! Aren't girls supposed to take care of the house?!?!?!" Tyler screams.

He is so sexist. He just hit Valerie's nerve. This will be very entertaining...

"Oh! I'm sorry. You got a spot over there...let me get that for you." Valerie says bittersweetly, controlling the air to hold the water still running from the faucet and squirts it at him, drenching him with water from head to toe. "YOU DIRTY PIG!" She screams, water slashing at him again.

Tyler: 1                                                                                                                                   Valerie: 1

~Danz POV~

'Me: What were you doing in my room?' I text Alex as I troll around the park.

'Alex: Honestly, anooping around to find Adrianne's number :/ ' Alex texts back.

'Me: 317-394-6820' I text back.

'Alex: Thanks :) '

'Me: Np. Have funnnn ;) '

'Alex: Danz!'

'Me: Geez, just joking! :P I luv u! I'll be home in 20'

'Alex: Alright, cya then. Love you.'

>:( Drew POV >:(

I feel heart broken. My heart is ACTUALLY broken. My soul is suffering. Bit by bit I feel my heart go...being eaten away by venom, replacing the gold of my heart. I punch a wall out of fierce anger. The wall cracks and I feel like a ball of anger forming inside of me.

Is this what it feels like?

Is it...happening?

:: Alex POV ::

I already boiled the hot chocolate! Guess she won't be drinking it...might as well drink it myself! Because you know, why would Danz want it cold? Hot chocolate is no good when it's cold. Why would I be so cruel?

I text Adrianne:

'Me: Helloooo ;-) '

'Adrianne: Who is this?'

'Me: Alexieeeeee'

'Adrianne: How'd you get my number creep?'

'Me: I have connections...'

'Adrianne: Danz?'

'Me: Yup!'

'Adrianne: *rolls eyes*'

'Me: So how have you been?'

'Adrianne: Fine. Why?'

'Me: I worry about you'

'Adrianne: Yeah right xD'

Then we get into a conversation and then she texts me:

'Adrianne: My dad died in his unit' :'(

Oh. Poor Adri...

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