Alone at Last (chapter 30)

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"So," I start, failing to find any other word to substitute the word 'so'.

"Yup," Mason says lying down on his bed, popping the 'p'. I jump on his bed out of boredom, him staring up lovingly at me. I finally jump and sit next to him, laying my head on his chest. "What do you want to do?" Mason asks suggestively.

"I don't know," I say suggestively back, cuddling with him, rubbing my head against his soft shirt.

"I might have an idea," Mason says lifting up his eyebrows.

I roll my eyes. "Well then. Let me help you with that." I roll my body onto his so I'm lying down on top of him, nothing but our stupid clothes seperating us from touching bare skins. I almost let out a blush at the thought. Oops!

He gently brushes a piece of hair behind my ear. He leans in for a kiss. I can see he is so happy to finally let himself go for me, instead of me being confused and only knowing the lies they fed me. I check my force field to make sure it has been up, because if not, I think I will die of embarassment. Yes it's up, THANK G-D!

I eagerly lean down the inch it is between our lips, hungrily almost biting his. He leans away reluctantly, a guilty look on his face. "Let's keep it PG-14." He says. I give a confused look. He points to the door.

"Oh, um, sorry." Gabe says looking down at the floor, no doubt so uncomfortable. "We were just watching this band downstairs--um--it's called: something direction." Gabe says, concentrating to remember.

"What?!?! One Direction?" I ask eager, still on top of Mason's body.

"Yeah, I think so." Gabe replies. I let out a ear defening scream shriek. Mason cringes. I legit fall off Mason and land on the floor, banging my head. I crawl insanely to Gabe and demand "What channel?!?!" like a crazed animal.

"Fourty nine," Gabe replies, frightened by my sudden insaness.

"FOURTY NINE!" I yell like a pshycopath. "WHAT A NICE NUMBER!" I quickly turn on the tv with a nearby remote, and turn up the volume to 100.

Liam is currently speaking in a interview: "I'd-uh-have to say Ross is my favorite character on Friends." Now the interviewer is speaking, "I've actually never watched Friends." Now Liam: "Get out of this room!" LOVE HIS ACCENT!

The interviewer says to Harry: "What's your worst habbit?" Harry says: "Ummm-getting naked all the time. SORRY!" Haha, HE IS SORRY. Thank YOU!

Then it was Louis' turn: "What was the one sad thing that has happened to you?" The interviewer asks. "KEVIN!" Louis shouts and fake sobs. HE IS SO FUNNY. Then he randomly shouts with a cracked voice, "SUPERMAN!!!!!!" Louis. I. FREAKING. LOVE. YOU.

"Niall, who has the best sense of style?" The interviewer asks. "Zayn." Niall says automatically. "Who has the most mood swings?" "Zayn." "Who is the moodiest?" "Zayn." Niall has the Irish accent! AHHH! I LOVE HIM!!!!

"Zayn, what is everybody known by in the group?" The interviewer asks Zayn. "Umm, me- 'Vas happenin?' Niall, um,-" Zayn pauses for Niall to fill in the space. "Yeah buddy," Niall fills in for Zayn. Zayn nods thanks to Niall. "Louis' is- SUPERMAN!" Zayn starts again, mimicking Louis random shouts of 'SUPERMAN!' "Louis' is also 'CARROTS!'. If you watch X Factor you'll hear him randomly scream 'CARROTS!' when Simon tells us we formed to be a band and we hugged." I laugh and fall to the floor. I have a problem, everytime I laugh hard enough, I fall down to the ground. "Harry's is: when he is in the kitchen he was like 'GET OUT OF MY KITCHEN!' and 'WHAT'S HAPPENING MOM, WHAT'S HAPPENING MICK?!!?!', he is very funny. And finallys Liam! Um- I'd have to say the stuff he does on his twitcam. Like 'THE COOKIE MAN! YOU MET THE COOKIE MAN!'. There's too many to choose from really." Zayn finishes grinning.

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