Rob (chapter 14)

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I get lazy standing in the spot where I could have had my first kiss with Mason, so I transported to my room. I lay down on my bed and looked at my watch. Shoot! It was 6:45!

I quickly took a shower and get dressed in a semi-strapless, semi-cap sleeve short black dress that hugs my body. It has colorful metallic colored zippers going down and around my dress diagonally. The dress is a little below the waist, but not too short.

I put on eyeliner and lip gloss, all in 25 minutes. By that time it was 7:10. I get my clutch ready with gum, my droid, and 30 bucks. I choose shoes that are sexy black wedges that are three inches high.

I eat a turkey sandwich and chill on the couch watching The Big Bang Theory until I heard a knock at the door. I quickly put on my wedges and answer the door.

"ROB!" I scream.

"Um, no sorry miss. This is Ted." said the mail man.


"Okay. Um, sorry Ted." I say awkwardly running my finders through my long hair.

"I've got a package for-um-Danz Aly Grigori," He said reading the name with difficulty.

"That's me!" I say jumping with delight.

"Here you go." Ted says giving me the package and quickly walking back to his Fed Ex truck.

"Sorry Ted!" I scream.

I close the door but there's something in the way.

I turn around to see Rob stop the door with his foot.

"ROB!" I scream this time, but feeling his face to make sure it was actually him.

"Yes, it's me!" Rob says with his accent.

"AHHHH!!! ROB! I missed you so much!" I scream hugging him.

He hugs me back and says, "Me too! We have a lot to catch up on wherever we're going."

"Speaking of which, where are we going?" I ask.

"If I'd tell you, then you'd know," Rob says mysteriously.

Rob opens the car door open for me, then closes it when I am seated. He circles the car and sits in his own seat, closing the door. The engine makes a noise as it starts.


Let me tell you a few things about Rob, he was born on the airplane flight to America from Britain, so his mother and family get free airplane rides from that airline. But that is beside the point, Rob is was basically born on the journey from Britain to America so basically he is from Britain, but he is also an American citizen.

Rob has a twin sister named Viviane who is also 16. Rob and Viviane look so similar because they are identical twins. Rob has bangs that go upwards and his hair color is beautiful bright blonde black singing it's tips. It is totally natural. Rob has Green eyes with the most amazing Orange design around the pupil! The Orange part looks splattered. The Green part of his eyes have lines that kind of emphasize the Green. Viviane has long wavy hair the same color as Rob's. Her eyes are the same also. I could swear, if Viv puts her hair back in a ponytail, Rob and her look exactly alike! Well they are twins, what would you expect?

I love Rob because he gets me! We've known each other since I was born, he held me although he is only a year and one month older than me (with supervision of course)! Our parents were friends, and Hadassa met them in school. It's a bit awkward because when Hadass and Rob were younger (in kindergarten) they got "married" on the bus, and a few days later Hadass found Rob sharing a juice box with another girl. I always laugh when Hadasssa says that story because she always makes it over dramatic and she takes it so seriously! I don't blame her though, juice box sharing is a serious offence! ;D

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