Chapter 6

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The nightclub was just as clangourous as it always had been. Rainbow lights, loud music invited people to move along the heavenly vibe. Through the crowded space, Roseanne weaved her way towards the bar counter. Lisa was having difficulty following her around.

She was very perplexed about why Roseanne suddenly thought about coming to a nightclub. This was so not the place where she would have expected her boss to come. Although this was a high-end nightclub, it still didn't fit with the image of Roseanne Park who avoided wasting time over worldly pleasures.

Roseanne slid onto the barstool. She leaned on the bar, her black hair lying over one shoulder. As her head lolled to one side, Lisa also took a seat beside her saying, "Chief, what are you up to?"

Roseanne completely disregarded her question and waved at the bartender. The bartender was there to take her order in a flash, eyes dropping only momentarily to her low-cut neckline.

"I'll have a cosmopolitan and a martini for her," she ordered for herself and for Lisa as well.

"Chief, are you not listening?" Lisa questioned as soon as the bartender went to fetch their drinks. "Or you're just not interested in answering as always?"

"I can hear you. Stop being so loud!" came the reply from Roseanne. Although the music was blaring in the nightclub, she still thought Lisa was talking too loud. Taking a pause, she answered, "Don't you always say I should enjoy myself? Here I am! Enjoying myself!"

Lisa's face twitched at that bullshit reply. "Chief, your definition of enjoyment had never involved 'nightclub!' What exactly are you up to?"

Before she could get a reply from Roseanne, she watched as an arm wrapped around Roseanne's waist from behind, and her chair was turned around to face the tall man. The man wore a black hat, a mask, and even put a hoodie over it. He looked very suspicious. But before she could do anything, Roseanne's hand gesture told her to step away leaving her in disbelief.

The man's hand lifted to tuck Roseanne's hair behind her ear as his raspy voice rang out, "Hi, beauty! I drove to the nightclub but now it seems I lost my way and ended up at a museum because you truly are a work of art."

"Really?" was Roseanne's oh-so-not amused reply.

"Really!" he replied. "In this ocean of people, my eyes still settled on you. It must be destiny!"

"Well, that's a given," said Roseanne. "After all, I believe people are gonna stare. I should make it worth their while."

His face came close to Roseanne's ear as he questioned, "What would the beauty like to have?"

"Are you on the menu?" she retorted and he paused briefly.

It took every single cell of his body to continue this as he lifted down his mask and heard her saying, "Oh, you look like a cake. Now, I definitely would like a piece of that."

"Pffff!" Lisa was almost on the verge of dying now from shock. She got it that this handsome young man was flirting with her boss which was very normal but how come her boss was actually going along with it? Even till now, Roseanne hadn't rejected his touch which had shaken Lisa's beliefs. She not only pushed him away, she was even flirting back!

What am I? Who am I? Where am I? I must be in an alternate universe!

The man's perfectly made brows arched up in amusement as his thumb touched her soft lips and said, "How strange... I've been thinking of having a bite as well." With that, his head leaned over. The distance between his thin pink lips and hers was just enough to put a sheet of paper between them. However, Roseanne hadn't pulled away instead she gazed at him with a challenging gaze. Seeing the provocation in her eyes, he rolled his eyes and pushed her away saying, "I hate you! You're never fun to play with!"

CEO'S  Untamed Wife | Taerose ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin