Chapter 26

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"You said you made a lot of people question life. Have you ever questioned life?"

Roseanne took a bite of the steak and chewed languidly before taking a sip of the drink to wash it down. "Life isn't the question. In fact, life is the real answer." She looked up at him, "The real question is, how are you planning on living this life?"

Taehyung's lips raised and he nodded his head. "But to me, life is actually the question and answer both. Life is the one giving us questions and in life, we have to find the answers. So, I believe every answer is found in just a single moment." Roseanne's eyes showed her confusion and he elaborated, "We all spend years just to find that one moment that makes this life worthwhile. That explains everything about life."

"Did you find it then?" she asked in return. "That moment of yours."

"I thought I did," he answered with a sadness palpable in his eyes. "But I turned out to be wrong. It doesn't matter though. I'll still keep looking for that moment."

Roseanne gave him a nod, "I appreciate that attitude. Indeed, no answer is wrong. It's just that you haven't found the right answer meant for you." Giving him a thumbs-up, she went on, "Hubby, I'm rooting for you! Make sure to find your moment!"

"I will," he replied as his eyes squinted at her. "By the way, what are you looking for in life?"

"Nothing," answered Roseanne.

"You don't have a dream?"

"Even the dreams you see at night give you a restless sleep, how can daydreams be any better?" she retorted. "I don't like troublesome things. Dreams... Chasing those dreams... All are just troublesome to me."

"Then why are you working so hard?"

"Because it makes me feel good," she answered. "I'm not trying to achieve anything. I'm just trying to see how far I can go."

Taehyung placed his fork and knife down before exhaling a long breath through his mouth. After that, he didn't speak until she was done eating. When the lights turned on, he noticed how she had pulled her sleeves up but suddenly frowned. Extending his hand, he held her wrist and looked at the spot that seemed to be bruised.

"You said you didn't get hurt," his voice was especially low when he said those words.

Roseanne also looked at her wrist and then looked at him, "I didn't know I was hurt."

"How can you not know?" he retorted. "Isn't it hurting?"

"Hurting?" she repeated uncertainly. "Maybe."

Taehyung closed his head and ran his hands through his hair before pulling her up to their bedroom. He made her sit on the edge of the bed and went to bring the medicine box. Looking at that reddish-blue spot on her wrist, Roseanne didn't even blink.

Taehyung put some ointment on it while asking, "Did you get hurt anywhere else? And please don't lie to me this time."

"Didn't I say it before that I don't lie?" she retorted. "I really didn't know I got hurt. I think this is the only one."

"You sure you didn't get hurt anywhere else?" She nodded her head. "I can't seem to believe it."

"Do you want me to strip? Then you can check yourself," she suggested.

"I'll just believe your words for now," he replied. "You should go to sleep now. You must be tired."

Roseanne didn't argue with him and silently laid down under the duvet.

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