Chapter 51

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It was past 10 o'clock when Roseanne and Taehyung went back to their house meanwhile SeoJun had decided to stay with Grandfather Park. Although Grandfather Park tried to send him back, SeoJun was pretty adamant so Grandfather Park could only give up on persuading him.

When Roseanne and Taehyung went back home, both continued with their bedtime routine. While Taehyung leaned against the headboard, his eyes were stuck on Roseanne who was rubbing something on her body. And according to Taehyung's observation, she had the same routine every day.

First, she would apply a night cream then she would take a tour of the closet and take out the outfit for the next day. After that, she would sit down on the bed and take her iPad to look through her schedule for the next day. And there was always a book at her side table that she would pick up to read for about 15 minutes. However, those 15 minutes were very productive for her because, in just the last four days, this was the second book on her side.

She even followed this schedule after they were done fooling around. No matter if she'd be tired or not, this whole routine had to happen.

Usually, he would check his email or just browse on his iPad while she read but today, his eyes just couldn't move from her face. He didn't know whether she couldn't tell he was looking at her or was she ignoring him on purpose but not even once did she turn her eyes towards him. He was seriously being treated like wind and oddly, he didn't mind it at all.

Instead, a smile hung at the corner of his lips as he observed the way her eyes skimmed over the words. A few loose strands fell over the side of her face obstructing his view and he frowned slightly before his hand extended on its own to tuck her hair behind her ear. Even then, Roseanne hadn't paid him any attention. She was really lost in the world of the book in her hands.

He should have felt annoyed at being ignored but didn't. He found her attention to be quite fascinating. Maybe that's why the hand that had gone to her side just to tuck her hair behind her ear had lingered right there. His fingertips slowly caressed the tip of her ear.

Roseanne paused for a second as she finally noticed his movements but didn't stop him. Instead, she closed the book in her hands and placed it back on her side table.

As she turned her head slightly to gaze at him, he said, "It's only been 5 minutes, aren't you gonna read more?" Roseanne shook her head in reply. "Why?"

"I'm taking your advice very seriously," she replied. He raised his brow in question and she elaborated, "Less time with books and more time with people."

Taehyung pursed his lips before he opened his arms and gestured her to come closer. Roseanne eyed his opened arms for a while before asking, "You're asking me to go over to your side?"

"Yes," he replied.

"But that's your side of the bed," she said.

"And I am the one asking you to come over," he enunciated each word clearly.

Roseanne slowly scooted over but stopped as she said, "Wait! Just because you're giving me the permission to go over to your side of the bed, don't just assume I'll let you come over to my side of the bed as well. That's my personal space."

Taehyung didn't know whether to laugh or cry at her words. "Husband and wife share everything. Even their beds."

"We are sharing a bed," she replied.

"Forget it! Just come over."

Roseanne opened in an 'O' shape as she went over to his side. Taehyung held her waist from behind as he pulled her towards himself. Only when her back laid against his front did he leaned back comfortably and asked, "Who is Chaeyoung ?"

CEO'S  Untamed Wife | Taerose ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon