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Chapter 101: Let Us Explore

"Where is Dad?" inquired Roseanne as she looked at Taehyung.

"I was with you the whole time, how would I know?" he retorted while looking around the house. He called for a maid and asked her.

"Elder Master has gone out for a walk," answered the maid.

"There you have it. Now, you know where he is," said Taehyung as he waved off the maid to leave. He dragged her along towards the sitting area. He sat down and pulled her on his legs.

"What are you doing?"

"Weren't we gonna wait for Dad?"

"Yes, we were."

"Then that's exactly what we are doing!"

While his lips played around the back of her neck while his fingers fiddled with her hair, Roseanne was completely not paying any attention to him. She rummaged out her phone to scroll through the news of the day.

"Ah! My night blindness is acting up again!"

Both Roseanne and Taehyung turned their heads to look towards SeoJun who just came back but instantly turned around acting like he didn't see anything.

Taehyung's lips twitched at his father's reaction, "Dad, it's not even night yet. It's only 6 in the evening, I don't think your night blindness can act up so early."

"It's my night blindness, what do you know?" SeoJun stared at his son, in a displeased manner.

Roseanne conveniently chose to ignore whatever was going on between this father-son pair and waved her hand at SeoJun , "Welcome back home, Dad! I brought you something."

SeoJun instantly ran over and sat down on the armchair. "I'm already over the moon knowing that you actually remembered me while you went out playing. But since you have brought me something, I won't refuse. What is it?"

"Have some patience, Dad," said Taehyung. "You'll only be able to eat is after dinner."

"Dear son, do you need a reminder?"

"Of what?"

"I'm your father! Stop trying to act like my father instead!"

Taehyung shrugged his shoulders, "First, you should stop acting like a kid."

"How do you know I'm acting like a kid? You don't even have a kid of your own yet."


Roseanne tapped Taehyung's hand that was around her waist saying, "Let go. I need to take this call."

Taehyung reluctantly let her get out of his arms and watched her moving to a quiet corner. SeoJun leaned over and whispered, "Son, have you talked to her?"

"About what?" asked Taehyung with knitted brows.

"About your future," replied SeoJun .

"If by future, you mean to say kids, then no! She is so young."

SeoJun snorted at his son, "Stop using her name. Clearly, it's you who don't want to have kids."

"If you know it, why are you bringing it up?" was Taehyung's response. "She and I don't talk about the future, Dad. You already know that she is a realistic person. She believes in today. What tomorrow holds for us, let us explore that on our own."

SeoJun leaned back in his seat. "Relax! It's not like I was gonna force you to have kids. Have I ever forced you to do anything?" Taehyung's lips parted but before he could say anything, his father went on, "Don't say that I forced you to marry Roseanne. I just told you my choice, the decision was all up to you."

Taehyung shook his head at his father, "Dad, even if you had really forced me to marry her, I'd still not complain about it."

SeoJun straightened up again when he heard that, "Are you falling in love again, dear son? Didn't you say to me that you've had enough of love? Now, whoever you marry won't make a difference. However, why do I feel like your ideas are changing now?"

Taehyung gave his father a smile, "Get a life, Dad. Stop observing my relationship with my wife."

SeoJun tsked at his son's pettiness, "You both are the most interesting thing to me these days." He took a pause and added, "Actually, don't worry. I'll stop paying so much attention to you both in the coming days."

"Oh?" Taehyung raised his brow at his father inquisitively. "Why is that?"

"I'm gonna spend some time with Aera and Jisoo," told SeoJun . "Oh, by the way, I kind of forgot to tell you. Aera was kind of a cousin to your mom." Taehyung looked at his father with surprise. "They weren't blood-related but they were like sisters. It's sad that your mom is no longer here with us."

Taehyung's brows furrowed up when he heard his father's words. He suddenly recalled that he had felt a sense of familiarity with Aera when they first met and she treated him so gently and lovingly as well.

"Did I meet her when I was young?" asked Taehyung curiously.

"Of course, you did!" replied SeoJun . "I don't think you'd recall it since you're very young at that time. But whenever you and Sungjae played together, she was always there with both of you."

"With me and Sungjae?" repeated Taehyung.

SeoJun nodded his head, "Yes! Both of you loved to spend time with her. She was always your playmate. Not only that, she used to cook for both of you. And I still remember how you loved to annoy your mom, telling her how Aunt Aera is a better cook than her."

"I did that?" Taehyung fell into deep thought. Actually, there were some vague images in his mind but he was really young and really couldn't recall all of it.

But there were some things that he could recall. For instance, how he told his mother that Aunt Aera's food tastes better. Because that was something his mother never let him forget even in later years.

"Dad, how is Aunt Aera related to Sungjae?"

"Sungjae is her nephew," said SeoJun making Taehyung's eyes widen in surprise.

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