Chapter 33

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It was close to 10 o'clock by the time Taehyung managed to arrive home. Although he left much earlier, he was stuck in a traffic for so long. He knew the plan to have dinner with his wife had already failed. But he still hoped to find her awake.

He took off his coat in the foyer and gave it to the attendant who was waiting upon him at the side. He changed into slippers as he asked, "Where is Dad? Is he asleep?"

"Umm... No," replied the maid. "Elder Master is with the Mistress."

Taehyung raised his brows, "Where?"

The maid replied, "They are upstairs."

Taehyung frowned but silently ascended the stairs. He was wondering why his father was awake at this time and was also with his wife. Just as he reached the top of the stairs, he could hear his father's voice...

"Do you have a gun?"

"I found an AWM."

He heard Roseanne voice and grew curious as he hurried his steps.

"Woah! That's the best sniper rifle!" SeoJun said. "How come you always manage to pick up the best weapons?"

"Because I don't pick the low-quality ones," she replied candidly. She would never settle for the less in anything in her life!

"The circle is gonna close soon, let's run," said SeoJun .


Taehyung's presence wasn't even noticed by both his father or his wife. He had come to stand behind the couch they were sitting on but no one noticed his presence. How would they notice it when their attention had been on some sniper game on their mobiles?

Both SeoJun and Roseanne were indeed playing a game right now. With their team of two, they seemed to be having quite some fun running on this ground of battle. Taehyung was impressed to see how skilled Roseanne seemed. He wasn't as surprised about his father since he knew his father had been trying to find anything and everything to cure his boredom lately.

He found it quite ironic though. Back in middle school, he was beaten by his father for playing games at the internet cafe. And now, at this age, he was doing the same. However, he couldn't even complain about it. He knew how lonely his father had been feeling.

SeoJun stood up in excitement, "We won! We won again! Hahaha!" He looked at Roseanne saying, "I'm never picking a random teammate online ever again. None of them come close to our Rosie's level. Everyone I found online had been a spicy chicken. Each spicier than the previous one."

Roseanne stared at his face in confusion, "Spicy chicken? Dad, were you making a food delivery for spicy chicken?"

Taehyung chuckled from behind hearing her question while SeoJun was just looking at her face as she looked back at him with those innocent eyes of hers. But finally noticing his son's presence, his gaze sharpened.

However, Taehyung didn't notice as he leaned down to tell Roseanne, "Spicy chicken is an internet slang for 'rubbish/trash'. Dad was trying to say he never met any good teammate online."

"Oh," she responded in understanding. There was a lot of internet slang in this country that she didn't understand yet. She wasn't an internet person, to begin with. But soon, her eyes focused on Taehyung as she waved, "Hi, Hubby! Welcome home!"

Taehyung was frozen for a moment when she greeted him like that before smiling softly in reply.

"Son," called out SeoJun with a gentle smile that didn't seem right to Taehyung. "Come with me for a minute."

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