Chapter 7

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~Park Villa~

The mood in the living room was unsettling. There was a staring battle going on between Roseanne and her grandfather. She had just rushed back home last night and this morning, she was given a big present - an announcement of her upcoming marriage.

After seeing that her grandfather was very inflexible regarding this matter, she couldn't help laughing out. There was no sobriety in that laughter. This was rather to show how well she understood her grandfather. Since he couldn't get her to fall in love, he'd choose the next best thing; a relationship she had to be loyal to.

Was it mentioned that Roseanne Park had been a very loyal person? In fact, she valued loyalty the most. No matter if it was work or a relationship, she'd be wholly devoted to it. That was one emotion, she was willing to invest in. Because according to her, this investment was worthwhile.

"You don't agree?" questioned Grandfather Park with a straight face but Roseanne could see his despairing implore behind his words. He didn't want her to run from this. He really was serious about this one. He wasn't just trying his luck as he did before with those blind dates. He was very certain this time.

As always, Roseanne still couldn't bring herself to say 'no' to this one person. She always thought that her grandfather lost a lot for her sake, so the least she could do for him was to make him happy in any way. If he had been serious about those blind dates, she would have never dared to play those games. But this time, since he was serious, she wouldn't dare to back off either.

Shaking her head, she spoke up, "I just have one question." Grandfather Park raised his brow in question and she went on, "Why? Why do you want me to get married?"

Grandfather Park operated the controller to wheel his wheelchair close to Roseanne's seat and held her hands in his own saying, "You're just born when I held you in my arms. From that day, I only had one wish to bring you everything."

"I know," she replied.

"But I also had another wish to give you a complete family." Roseanne's face stiffened when she heard that response. He caressed her face saying, "But I could never do that. I couldn't give you the complete family that you deserved. So, the next best thing I could think of was for you to build your own family, with your husband and your own kids."

Roseanne bobbed her head up and down slowly before she opened her mouth to agree, "Okay."

Both Grandfather Park and Jisoo were taken aback. Did she just agree? Just like that? Nothing else? They both were in disbelief but Roseanne had no time to explain why she agreed to this readily. Because, to her, the reason was still as simple as always; she'd do anything for her grandfather.

She stood up to leave when Jisoo came back to herself and asked, "Don't you want to know about him?"

Roseanne stopped and turned around to ask, "Is he handsome?"

Jisoo squinted her eyes at her, "Is that the most important thing?"

Roseanne didn't even hesitate before nodding her head, "He should be pleasing to my eyes before anything else. After all, I'm gonna spend my life with him." Jisoo gaped at her in disbelief. "Sooya, if you're done appreciating me, can you please come and help me with the dress up?"

"Where are you going?" questioned Jisoo.

"I have a new year party to attend tonight," she replied before turning back to make her way towards her room.

Before Jisoo could say anything, Grandfather Park stopped her. With a profound look, he said, "I heard Taehyung is also attending a new year party tonight."

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