Chapter 9

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Roseanne listened to him attentively but actually couldn't comprehend his words. Or at least, not the real connotation behind those words. Her black eyes stared at him blankly.

"Why would I want to fall harder?"

Jungkook's smile vanished at Roseanne's out-of-this-world response and he ended up facepalming himself. How was he supposed to make this girl understand that by falling harder, he meant falling harder in love? Because if he worded it out for her, she'd definitely give him a scornful look.

She was that nerd who would explain love as 'Love is just a unique blend of brain chemicals. Lust is governed by estrogen and testosterone. The attraction is driven by adrenaline, dopamine, and serotonin. As for long-term attachment, it is purely governed by oxytocin and vasopressin.'

Yes, he had heard this science nerd talking too many times. Now, he could even recite her words. It even gave him the illusion that he was smart as well.

"As for kissing deeper... I should do my research."

Jungkook internally rolled his eyes at her. 'There comes her nerdy self again!' He took a breath and said, "Rosie, don't tell me you're gonna read more books."

"Yes, for research purposes, I have to read books to understand what you meant by that. What exactly is a deep kiss? I'll look it up!"

"My textbook friend, life is practical. Stop treating it like a theoretical exam. Instead of reading, start exploring more. As I said, do the practical. It might do you some good."

Roseanne still didn't understand what he meant. She cherished her books dearly. She was who she was because of those books. It was very normal for her to search for her answers in books.

"In fact, instead of finding life in those lifeless books, try to live it once in a while. Try to live in the moment."

Roseanne put the back of her hand over her mouth and yawned indicating how bored she was to hear him talk right now. It was already very rare for Jungkook to be serious, but she had to ruin the moment by doing something like this.

In the end, he'd curse himself for even bothering with her.

"Let's do some shopping," suggested Roseanne as they stood up. Jungkook almost fell back down at that suggestion. "What?" she questioned, seeing the odd way he was looking at her.

He put his hat down and said, "Rosie, shopping is not only a waste of time but also money."

"Why do you have the misconception that I'm scared of wasting money?" she questioned with a straight face. "I'm scared of nothing."

He circled around and tapped his chin thoughtfully, "Did the ghost from that movie possessed your body?" He nodded at his own conjecture, "Or it had always been within you. No wonder you've been haunting me for years."

"Are you done?" she responded, unamused. He nodded immediately. "Then hurry up. I really don't want to waste any more time."

As they passed by a cake shop, Jungkook tugged at her sleeve, "Buy me a cake."

"Why should I?" Jungkook made a pleading face. "You can buy it yourself."

"No, I can't," was his answer.

"Why not?"

"Because I'm on a diet!"

Roseanne looked him up and down before asking, "If you're on diet, why are you asking me to buy it for you?"

His eyes turned into slits and Roseanne could tell he was grinning underneath that mask as he said, "Because if my best friend buys it for me, I'll reluctantly accept it. It's not nice to refuse someone's kind gesture, so I'll also eat it for you. See, how good I am?"

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