Chapter 10

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~Moonlight Outlet~

Just as Roseanne stepped inside the store, she was welcomed by the proficient, deferent, and well-mannered staff. They were wearing cream-colored uniforms with golden details. In fact, the whole store was decorated in neutral tones. And the dazzling light of the gems gave this whole store a glamorous feeling.

Even the exquisite chandelier above was made of crystals. Rows and rows of beautiful jewelry, watches, other accessories were lined up. It was certainly like walking into a gems dreamland.

"Miss, how may I help you?" asked one of the shop attendants behind the glass counter.

Roseanne focused her eyes on her and replied, "I'm looking for something I can give as a present."

"What kind of a gift do you have in mind? For instance, pendants, bracelets, earrings, watches, or anything special you have in mind?"

When given so many options, Roseanne felt a little taken aback. Did she have to choose from all that? It was like a multiple-choice question that she didn't know an answer for. This was the reason she wanted that idiot Jungkook to come with her. But now, that idiot was outside eating his cake. He didn't even hesitate before abandoning her over his cake.

Roseanne stared at the smiling attendant and said, "How about you show me the best of everything? I'll make up my mind after seeing everything."

"Miss, why don't you take a seat over there and I'll bring everything to you?"

Roseanne looked over at the sitting area where some ladies were already sipping on tea while they looked at the expensive new collection. She didn't want to go over. She was fine where she was.

"I'm fine here," she flashed her perfect smile.

Although Roseanne was dressed in plain jeans and an oversized knit, however, the shop attendant didn't dare to treat her as just anyone. One, their boss always said that the employees were the face of the brand and their manners should be impeccable. Two, although Roseanne was low-key, the platinum pendant adorned with the famous 'pink star' diamond that she wore was enough to show her status.

The shop attendant had immediately caught on to the special pendant because of its unique style. It had a special design of a butterfly trio with a cascading crescent moon motif. The crescent moon was adorned with the pink star diamonds. While the crescent moon represented dreams, the butterflies were given a symbol of rebirth and change. This delicate artistic pendant was that's why named, Dream of Change.

As for how the shop attendant knew about this... This was one of the original's created by the founder of their brand. She wouldn't mistake it even if she wanted to. After all, the pendant was auctioned at a whopping price!

She differentially went around and brought the best of the best from the newest collection and lined it up before Roseanne on the glass counter. Soon, the manager also came to greet Roseanne, not wanting to offend her. After all, if she wore that pendant, it was obvious that she was not to be trifled with and they couldn't afford to slight her in any way.

As for Roseanne, she was so accustomed to people treating her like this that she didn't even find it odd anymore. But the collection that they laid before her was really giving her some trouble. How was she supposed to pick only one thing from all these pretty things? Buy this rose gold watch? Or buy that platinum ear cuff? She'd rather just buy it all to save herself some trouble. But if she did that, her grandfather won't be happy.

She rummaged out her phone and dialed Jungkook's number. "Where are you? Why aren't you coming inside already?" She could hear his harsh breathing as if he was running and it didn't her a moment to catch on, "Don't tell me someone recognized you?"

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