Chapter 43

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Roseanne didn't even have to mentally go through her own schedule to know that he was right. There was indeed no specific time planned for a phone call with him. But there was a reason for that.

"I'm with you in the morning and in the evening," said Roseanne. "Is there a need to have a phone call as well?"

"There is," he retorted.

Roseanne thought about it for a minute before saying, "When should I call you then?" Taehyung blanked out for a second. Even though he was the one who brought it up, why was he the one blanking out now? It must be because he didn't think she'd agree so easily. "You need to give me a time so that I know I won't be disturbing your work with my phone call."

"How about the lunch hour?" suggested Taehyung.

"Lunch hour?" she repeated. "You want me to call you for a whole hour?"

"Why? You can't?" he asked with a straight face.

Roseanne shrugged her shoulders, "Fine. Lunch hour it is then." She took a pause, "Is there anything else?"

Taehyung thought about it and pointed out, "I didn't see any time set aside for Jungkook either."

"He and I often don't contact each other for weeks," replied Roseanne honestly. "And whenever we do, it's unplanned. He says we don't need to talk to each other daily to prove our friendship because even if there is a distance of hundreds and thousands of miles between us, our relationship won't change."

Taehyung could only nod at that. It did seem like even with the distance between them, their relationship was closer than friends that'd meet daily. He really admired that.

"If there is nothing else, I'm gonna wait for you downstairs."

Saying that she turned around and left the room. At the breakfast table, Roseanne greeted SeoJun before she took a seat and continued to look through her iPad.

"How was your dinner last night?" questioned SeoJun .

"It was good," answered Roseanne. "Did you have dinner with Grandpa and Sooya?"

"I did," said SeoJun . "And I must say, it was a good idea. I enjoyed myself very much." He took a pause before adding, "And that's why I've decided to listen to my daughter more often from now on."

Roseanne offered him one of her practiced polite smiles before she looked at the cellphone that was ringing beside her. The call was from Jungkook and she didn't take it immediately. As she had told Taehyung, she and Jungkook really didn't contact each other daily. But lately, the frequency of their interaction was increasing.

Of course, she won't say it but she actually didn't mind it.

Even though Jungkook was still as 'troublesome' to her as he had been when they first met, but it won't change the fact that he was the 'trouble' she was most familiar with.

Since she was working on her iPad, she attended the call and put it on speaker.

"What?" she asked without any 'hello' or 'hi'.

"You sent this brand new phone?" came a groggy voice that made SeoJun also look up at Roseanne.

"Did you just get it now?" she questioned in return instead of answering him.

"No, it was delivered in the middle of the night but I was sleeping at that time," told Jungkook. "But that means you really sent it. Why did you?"

"You asked for it last night," reminded Roseanne.

"You know I was joking," Jungkook shot back.

"And you know I don't joke," said Roseanne shutting Jungkook up. "Hold on a minute! If you just got the phone, how did you send me that message last night?"

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