Chapter 57

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Taehyung didn't take Roseanne straight back home, he just intentionally took the longer route back home. But he didn't do it just to delay their return, he had another destination in mind as well. And on their way, Roseanne didn't question him once about their destination.

"Don't you want to know where we are going?" he finally asked her.

"I'll eventually know once I'm there," she replied.

"Didn't you say you don't like surprises? You like to be in control," Taehyung remembered every single thing related to her. He couldn't possibly forget it.

Roseanne hummed in reply, "And someone said, I should let life surprise me sometimes."

Taehyung didn't continue talking. By the time they arrived at their destination, the sun was setting leaving behind the hues of orange like a burning flame being engulfed by the sea of darkness. Taehyung found a place to park the car.

They both alighted the car and Roseanne looked around curiously. It was quite a crowded place with street vendors littered around the sides. Roseanne didn't want to walk through the sea of people. It'd involve having to bump into random people. The idea wasn't pleasing to her.

Taehyung looked at her face and came to stand behind her, he wrapped his arms around her like a shield as he said, "I won't let anyone touch you." Roseanne tilted her head to look into his eyes as he went on, "I know it's crowded but I really want to show you something."

Roseanne looked at the throngs of people and then looked at him before nodding her head. Taehyung stayed true to his words as he weaved the way through the crowd just for Roseanne. In fact, her bodyguards would have done it easily for her but it'd create a huge scene, and usually, Roseanne would never let them hover close to her unless it was indispensable.

After passing through the street filled with people, Roseanne finally got to breathe in fresh air when they arrived at the river bank where people were dining al fresco. As soon as the darkness engulfed the sky, the river bank lit up with paper lanterns. The beautiful lanterns were of different shapes and sizes. Some were even floating in the river. It was a beautiful sight.

The unique designs and vibrant colors caught Roseanne's attention and she continued to look at the sight before her. Her eyes didn't even notice anything else. Taehyung had already figured out that once his wife liked something, she would look at it for a long time intently as if trying to carve that beautiful scenery into her memory with each and every intricate detail of it.

"If you had come out during the Lantern Festival, you would see this sight everywhere at night," Taehyung told her. "But this is the only place that would let the lanterns stay for longer than others. So, I had to bring you here."

Roseanne finally tore her eyes away from the scene before her and fixed her eyes on his face as she asked, "Why?" He raised his brow inquisitively and she went on, "Why did you want to show it to me?"

Taehyung gave her a smile, "Dad told me that you never even celebrated the Lunar New Year, so I figured you'd not know anything about the Lantern Festival as well. That's why I wanted to bring you here. To see something beautiful and to experience something new as well."

He took her hand and led her to a dining place that was set in the open air with the perfect view of the river and the lanterns. As they sat at the table, he placed the order for both of them.

"So, I assume you like it?" he asked even if he could tell she did, he didn't know why he wanted to hear it from her.

"I like it," she replied honestly. Her words were simple, straightforward, honest. She neither exaggerated anything nor did she try to hide anything. And that's what had been tugging at Taehyung's heart. He smiled in satisfaction.

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