Chapter 38

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"Oh, I love her! I do!" Jungkook's face was completely serious now, lacking his earlier playfulness.

When Jungkook said those words, his eyes were constantly on Taehyung's face. Both men were silently waiting to see some kind of reaction from the other but both didn't get anything except for silence. This lack of response gave Jungkook a headache.

"You don't look surprised," Jungkook pointed out when he saw the calmness on Taehyung's face.

"There was nothing surprising about what you just said," replied Taehyung.


"I'd be more surprised if you said you don't love her," Taehyung elaborated which left Jungkook stunned for a moment. "Maybe you don't realize it but you make that love very obvious."

"Then why did you even wanted to ask me that question?" inquired Jungkook.

Taehyung shrugged his shoulders saying, "I just wanted to hear it from you." The corner of his lips lifted ever so slightly as he added, "Besides, you spent 15 years with her even when you both are not related in any way. That definitely means love played a role in that. But that also means that the nature of that love is very different."

Jungkook feigned a shocked look, "Are you a mind reader as well? How do you know this?" He sighed out as he went on, "It's true that I love her. Who wouldn't?" He smiled to himself as he continued, "But you're also right. I love her like one would love family. She is that important in my life."

He took a pause as he recalled something and chuckled, "Actually, when I turned 19, I did ask her out." Taehyung lifted his brows in question. "I was bored of seeing everyone around me dating, so I asked her out. Do you wanna know how that conversation went?"

Taehyung couldn't help smiling as he said, "As much I know her by now, it definitely didn't go the same route you wanted it to."

"It definitely didn't!"




"Go out with me?" Jungkook continued to look at her face as she slurped on the noodles in her bowl.

Her movements didn't even stop for a second as she asked, "Okay. Let's go out. Where do you want to go? I'll take you."

Jungkook facepalmed himself before trying again, "No, I mean let's go on a date."

"What date?" she asked further. "You definitely have to give me the date in advance so that I can check with my new assistant, Lisa if I'm free on the specific date or not."

A low growl escaped from his throat as he glared at her, "Are you doing it on purpose?"

She finally looked up from her bowl, "What did I do on purpose?"

Looking into her innocent eyes, he took a deep breath and decided to give this bizarre idea one last chance. "I meant that we should... You and me, we should be in a relationship."

She continued to look at his face intently and finally said, "Aren't we already in a relationship?"

Jungkook was left gaping at her in confusion. When did they get into a relationship? How come only he didn't know about it?

Seeing his confusion, she continued, "You said you're my best friend. Doesn't that also fall under the category of a relationship?"

Jungkook's face twitched at her words and he had the urge to smack her face yet again. That's when he realized, no matter how bored he was, he really didn't want to even think about dating her. People who start dating would want to kiss each other, all he wanted to do was strangle her!

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