Chapter 14 - Recipe Of LoveTitle of the Experiment: The Taste of a Kiss

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Purpose: To prove whether the kisses really have a taste or not.

Hypothesis: Kiss can't possibly be sweet.

Take 1 - New Year Party: Failed! It tasted like nothing.

Reason for failure: It's said, I didn't conduct the experiment properly. In other words, it was not considered a proper kiss!

Take 2 - Parking lot: It tasted bitter. But that can be because of the coffee.

Currently, Roseanne was sitting in her bed with her laptop on her lap as she typed continuously. Sometimes, she really took somethings too seriously. For instance, the matter of this kiss. Actually, she took everything too seriously when it involved human emotions and feelings. Because it was something she couldn't comprehend.

She had a particular locked file in her laptop where she kept notes regarding her new experiences. It was a habit her psychologist got her into. According to the psychologist, to understand somethings, she needed to note down small things. No matter how small or insignificant, if she found anything peculiar, she needed to write it down.

And that's exactly what she did. It was how she managed to actually read people's expressions because she noted down everything. And learned from her own experience along the way.

Conclusion for today: Kiss doesn't have a taste of its own. External factors play a role.


"Come in," called out Roseanne as she heard the knock at her door.

Jisoo stepped inside her room with a plate of fruits. Seeing who it was, Roseanne saved the file and closed the lid of her laptop, and even put it aside.

"Were you working again?" asked Jisoo with a disgruntled look.

"No, I wasn't," replied Roseanne truthfully.

"Then what were you doing, Rosie?"

Roseanne took the plate of fruits from her hands and took a bit of the apple before replying, "I was taking notes."

"Notes? About what?" Jisoo sounded perplexed.

"Taste testing," was Roseanne's answer that confused her even more.

"Taste-testing?" she repeated uncertainly and Roseanne nodded. She stared at Roseanne's face for a while before sighing, "I can't understand your peculiar ways of life. Maybe it's the generation gap. I'm getting too old."

Roseanne looked her up and down, "I also agree. You are getting old."

Jisoo gaped at her before poking her head lightly, "Yes, I'm getting old so stop giving me worries."

Roseanne looked displeased, "Sooya, what worry did I give you now? In the morning, you forbid me from doing any work and told me to go out and enjoy myself. I did exactly as you said!"

"So, did my Missy actually enjoyed herself today?" asked Jisoo sounding pleasantly surprised.

Roseanne admitted, "I enjoyed myself."

Jisoo tucked her hair behind her ear lovingly and asked, "I'm curious now. What did my Missy do for enjoyment?"

"I went to watch a movie, did some shopping, even taught someone a life lesson, had a coffee with a familiar stranger, and did some taste testing to finish off today's adventure."

Jisoo patted her head as if encouraging a little kid, "Oh my! Our Rosie really had a lot of fun today."

Roseanne smiled at her and continued to eat her apple with a 'crunch crunch' sound. Jisoo continued to watch her eat with an affectionate look in her eyes.

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