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Chapter 81: Feeling Proud

Although Taehyung planned to burn some calories, in the end, nothing happened between them. One; Taehyung was too content with cuddling and kissing his wife. So content that once he started, he couldn't seem to find the stop button. Two; the ever inflexible wife of his wanted to go for a run at any cost.

Well, Taehyung was happy with the fact that he managed to make Roseanne roll in the bed for longer than usual. This seemed like a huge accomplishment to him. And it was indeed a huge accomplishment to anyone who was familiar with Roseanne's time management.

Finally, Taehyung also woke up and happily followed his wife downstairs to the gym where she ran on the treadmill while he continued to watch her intently. He had come to realize why Roseanne was so loved by the few people she called family. He couldn't help loving her either. She just made him want to hug her and smother her with love. He could finally understand Jisoo's feelings who always doted on Roseanne without any restraint.

It seemed to be his wife's undiscovered charm. She could make anyone want to dote on her endlessly as long as she wanted to. And this charm was certainly working on Master Taehyung whose head had been filled with his wife lately. All he could think about was how to find the beautiful things that could make his wife happy.

On the other side of things, there was another person who wanted to act spoiled...


Grandfather Park had just received some unexpected guests when a loud cry caught his attention and his eyes softened up because of the young lad who came running inside the drawing-room with a huge grin on his face.

"Jungkook," Grandfather Park called out lovingly.

Jungkook rushed up to his side and kneeled down before his wheelchair before hugging him tightly, "Daehwan, I missed you."

Grandfather Park knocked on his head and gently reproached, "When are you gonna stop calling me by my name?"

Jungkook gave him a toothy grin as he replied, "I told you already, I consider you my friend. Calling you Grandpa feels distant."

Grandfather Park shook his head but didn't say anything to Jungkook. He had become fond of Jungkook from the moment he first met him. He found Jungkook not only loveable but also extremely adorable. And oddly, the feelings hadn't changed in all those years. Jungkook was still like a lovable and adorable grandson to Grandfather Park.

Perhaps, that's why Jungkook was so comfortable with him and even acted spoiled with him whenever he got the chance.

"I brought you a lot of tonics to nourish your health," said Jungkook. "I also found something interesting on the streets and bought that as well."

Grandfather Park rubbed Jungkook's head saying, "Silly child, can you ever come empty-handed?"

"Mum says it's bad manners to go empty-handed," replied Jungkook lovingly. "Also, I saw something I wanted to share with my Grandpa, why can't I bring it?"

"It's pointless to argue with you," said Grandfather Park while shaking his head.

"Then you shouldn't argue. Don't you know my best friend's name is Roseanne Park," responded Jungkook as he leaned into Grandfather Park's touch. Since his family only consisted of him and his mother, he cherished Grandfather Park a lot more. This elderly man was like a blessing to him who always yearned to have the love of his elders.

"It's raining outside," began Grandfather Park. "Why didn't you use an umbrella? How is your hair damp?" He frowned slightly as he added, "Take off your jacket, it's also wet." Then he pushed him saying, "You go upstairs and take a hot shower. Change your clothes as well."

The way he spoke left no room for arguments and Jungkook could only obediently nod his head before he skipped his way upstairs. From the beginning till the end, he hadn't spared a glance to the guests who had been sitting in the drawing-room with Grandfather Park. In fact, he really didn't see them since his eyes were only focused on one person all along.

"Is there someone?" called out Grandfather Park. "Prepare some soup for Jungkook. Make sure he doesn't catch a cold."

The maidservant took his instructions and respectfully bowed before leaving.

"That doesn't look like your grandson."

Grandfather Park was startled by that voice and suddenly realized that his friend and his wife were still seated before him. He really forgot about them because of Jungkook. He always found Jungkook to be such a lively kid that he often found it difficult to pay attention to anyone else when he was around.

"He is a grandson to me," was Grandfather Park's response.

His best friend, Choi Feiyang narrowed his eyes at his friend as he said, "Your real grandson might get really upset to hear you say that." He sighed a little as he added, "Daehwan, have you met him though?" Grandfather Park raised his brow inquisitively and his friend went on, "I mean, you grandson? Have you met him?"

Grandfather Park shook his head in response, "I haven't."

"He looks just like you," said Choi Feiyang as he continued to observe his best friend's expressions. "He is just as proud as you had always been. Even his temper is just like you. But he is a good kid. He really has the Park blood in his veins. His achievements are admirable."

Although Grandfather Park's heart was stirred, he didn't let it show on his face.

Choi Feiyang had brought his wife over to meet and apologize to Park Daehwan in person. Because of what his grandson, Sungjae did he hadn't been able to face his best friend. But he knew his grandson was at fault so he took the initiative to come and apologize to his best friend. He believed their friendship was far greater than one apology.

What he hadn't expected was to see Jungkook. And he also didn't expect to see his best friend's intimate reaction towards that young lad. That's why he couldn't help bringing up Grandfather Park's own grandson.

"It doesn't matter how good he is," said Grandfather Park after a moment's pause. "My Roseanne will still be the best to me. That grandson of mine can stay as the best son to his father. I'm fine with my Roseanne who had been making me feel proud for far too long now."

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