Chapter 22

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Taehyung was actually surprised to see that his wife went to sleep as soon as she closed her eyes. And throughout the night, she didn't even move. She didn't even change sides. She was sleeping in the same straight posture until 4:30 am when her eyes naturally opened up. Instead of lazing around on the bed, she sat up and looked at the time.

"Hubby, Good morning!" Those were the very first words that came out of her mouth. Noticing something, she questioned, "You didn't sleep?"

"Good morning, Wife!" Taehyung replied before shaking his head in response to her question.

"Why? Is it because you're not used to my presence? You must be feeling uncomfortable?"

Taehyung sighed at her own assumptions and asked, "And if I'm really uncomfortable, what would you do?"

"Why should I do something? It's your problem, solve it yourself," was her response.

Taehyung pressed his lips together and nodded in agreement, "This honeymoon trip is impromptu. I was finishing up the work so that no one disturbs me over the weekend."

"What about sleep?" she questioned. "Don't you know, sleep is a vital component for every person's overall health and well-being?"

Taehyung touched his forehead before saying, "I'll catch some sleep on the plane."

Roseanne nodded her head and got up to get ready. Her outfit for the day was already prepared for her. She was wearing neutral pants with a white woolen top. It had a very refined look when she let her hair loose in slightly messy curls. Taking her white woolen coat, she looked at Taehyung who was also getting ready now.

He noticed how she kept looking into space as if in deep thought.

"What's wrong?" he questioned.

"I'm thinking," she replied.


"Whether to take my laptop or not," she responded.

"Take it," he said.

"But if I took it, I might spend all my time working on it."

"Then don't bring it."

"What if something urgent comes up?"

Taehyung took a deep breath, "Just do whatever you want."

Eventually, she decided to just take it. Someone must have packed it with her stuff anyway. What was the point of taking it out? It'd be a hassle!

"I'll wait for you downstairs," she said in a small voice before leaving the room.

"Okay," he replied watching her receding back.

Roseanne hurried down and seeing a maid, she called out, "Can you get me a cup of milk tea?" Right at this moment, another maid came to her side with a tray which had her milk tea. Roseanne took it from her with a smile. Obviously, her Sooya must have given some instructions. How else would her milk tea be available at this time?

It was 5:30 now and Roseanne was sitting in the lounge, sipping on her milk tea when she heard someone calling her, "Young Miss!" Roseanne looked over and saw a familiar face. She was the maid from her own villa, what was she doing here right now? She soon got the answer she needed, when the maid put a rectangular gift box before her on the round coffee table saying, "This package came for you just last night. Madam said to deliver it to you."

Roseanne nodded her head and waved her off. She placed her cup down and picked up the box. She pulled the ribbon off and opened the lid of the box. There was some kind of clothing inside. She picked it up with her index finger and her thumb and looked at the white silk clothing that had quite some lace on it.

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