Chapter 30

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Taehyung and Roseanne came back home in the middle of the night, so they didn't get the chance to see SeoJun . It was only in the morning the next day when everyone gathered at the breakfast table that SeoJun got to see his son and daughter-in-law.

SeoJun immediately put the newspaper down as soon as saw Roseanne coming with Taehyung following behind her. Roseanne took a seat as she greeted him, "Good morning..."

Seeing her struggling with how to call him, he again said, "I told you, you can call me anything."

Taehyung pulled out the chair beside Roseanne as he said, "Dad, don't say it like that. She might start calling you Koko."

SeoJun 's lips twitched at his son's remark but soon, his eyes widened in shock. Did his son just crack a joke? Seriously? He was so shocked that he even forgot how to react.

He only came back to reality when he heard Roseanne asking Taehyung, "Can I?"


"Can I call him Koko?" she questioned.

SeoJun chuckled at that especially seeing his son's stunned expression and said, "It seems it's you who put ideas into her head."

Roseanne cleared her throat and said, "So, I can't call you like that it seems..."

"Actually, I don't mind," was SeoJun 's reply.

Roseanne tucked the loose strand of hair behind her ear before saying, "No. I'll call you... Da..." She took a while before saying, "Dad." SeoJun 's brows raised up in surprise. "I might take a bit of a time to get used to this but I'll try my best."

SeoJun was silent for a minute before he said, "I really don't mind waiting. But you don't have to push yourself if you feel uncomfortable with it."

"There is nothing to be uncomfortable about," she responded. "It's your right. I mean, as my husband's father, that's the respect you deserve." Both father and son were looking at her with nothing to say. "I just meant that I'm not used to calling anyone Dad. That's why it might take me a while."

SeoJun smiled at her gently, "It's alright. Take your time. I'll wait for my daughter-in-law."

"Thank you!" she said. "For understanding."

SeoJun continued to smile at her waved it off nonchalantly. As Roseanne took a toast and jam, she suddenly missed her Sooya. At home, she never had to spread jam on her toast. It was always done for her. Mostly, she was even fed.

Suddenly, a toast with jam evenly spread over it appeared before her eyes, she turned her head to look at her husband who said, "Stop staring already. Eat! Aren't you getting late?"

"Oh," with that she took the toast from him and took a bite.

SeoJun silently observed their interaction with a satisfied smile on his face. See? As soon as he had laid eyes on her, he knew she was meant for his son!

"Rosie, I heard you got hurt while skiing," began SeoJun when he saw that they were almost done with their breakfast. "Is it okay now?"

Roseanne looked back at her husband who said, "He asked how we are doing. I just told him in the passing that you got a little hurt."

Roseanne took a breath and looked at SeoJun , "By any chance, you didn't mention it to my..."

Her words were left in her throat as she heard...



She took another deep breath and smiled at SeoJun , "It seems you did mention it to my grandfather. How amazing!"

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