Chapter 53

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Jungkook had to say though, RJ was rarely wrong. The man might hide his devious self behind a sweet smile, but he had a keen gaze for people. He could literally read each of his group members like the back of his hand. In fact, over a month ago, RJ had actually stated that he felt like Tata was seeing someone.

The rest of them didn't take him seriously. And the result was? They all had to find about Tata's dating news through news portals.

That was one of the other reasons why Jungkook found RJ scary but also admirable.

While Chimmy sat down beside Jungkook, the latter couldn't help asking, "Chim Hyung, when did you change your hair color?"

Chimmy gave Jungkook a look before picking a deep-fried dough stick, he leisurely bit into it before replying, "If I kept my signature silver hair for live streams, it'd give me away."

"Wouldn't you have more fun playing if your fans know it's you?" inquired Jungkook curiously.

"That'd be no fun at all," retorted Chimmy. "I want my viewers to watch me play for my skills. I'm not selling my face."

"But I think your face value is very high," remarked Jungkook.

Chimmy snorted, "Are you that oblivious?"

"What do you mean?" questioned Jungkook in confusion.

"Between all five of us, you have the highest face value," said Chimmy straightforwardly. "You have the face to topple the dynasties." Jungkook gave him a glare but it didn't faze him at all. "You not only have the cleanest and purest image before the fans, but you also are known as Nation's Adorable Little Brother."

RJ chuckled as he agreed, "I saw that post as well."

Jungkook looked completely oblivious to what they were talking about and seeing how confused he looked, the other two weren't even surprised. Even though Jungkook had been in the entertainment industry for years, he had the least interest in keeping up with the gossips of this industry. All of his free time was spent acting spoiled whether it was around his mother or his best friend, it didn't matter. He just had to act spoiled.

"What does Nation's Adorable Little Brother even mean?" asked Jungkook as he put his chopsticks down.

"It means that you are able to evoke every girl's motherly nature. They all get the urge to pamper you. And it comes naturally," told Chimmy with amusement dancing in his sleep-deprived eyes. "They all want to pack you up and take you home before smothering you with love and care."

Jungkook felt slightly uncomfortable hearing that and suddenly shuddered, "I have enough people to pamper me."

Chimmy burst out laughing at Jungkook, "Kook, how can you be this cute? Are you really scared of women?"

Jungkook narrowed his eyes at Chimmy for a long while in silence.

Chimmy already had a very pale complexion. So white that he might come off as delicate. But since he had been staying cooped up in his room for days now, he looked even paler now. He hadn't even been taking care of his meals or his sleep which really made him look like a vampire now! Especially with his two prominent canines which he liked to lick flirtatiously.

Jungkook sighed out at his condition before saying, "I'm not scared of women. I would just like to keep my distance from them."

Actually, since Jungkook had grown up seeing exceptional women around him, he was rather picky about the kind of female company he would like to keep. Whether it was his own mother, Roseanne, or even Jisoo, all these women were exceptional to him. With such females around him, how could he want just anyone in his life? That bar was set too high!

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