Chapter 47

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Jimin observed Taehyung's expressions but couldn't find anything from his straight face. He almost couldn't believe that he was looking at the same person he knew from back when they were in school. Because the Taehyung in his memory always had a big smile on his face. He used to be playful and full of life. But now...

"It's really difficult to look at this version of yours," said Jimin.

"I also don't wish to look at a sore loser," retorted Taehyung making Jimin's smirk vanish.

He pointed at Taehyung saying, "Fine! Call me the sore loser! I am a sore loser! What about you? Prince Taehyung definitely won, then why do you look like you lost the whole world?"

"Shouldn't you be gloating over that?" asked Taehyung. "Finally you got to see my defeated look."

Park Jimin scoffed, "I'm so not happy to see that. I wanted to be the one to defeat you. I don't want you to lose from someone else."

"You won't be able to defeat me in this life," said Taehyung with certainty. "Because I don't run when things get difficult! Unlike someone, I used to know..." His eyes looked at Jimin and it was clear he was implying something and the latter could even understand what he was implying.

Park Jimin laughed at Taehyung saying, "Aren't you running now? Just because you got divorced, you distanced yourself from everyone who was associated with both of you. Isn't that called running?"

Taehyung gave him a look, "I distanced myself because I didn't wish to make anything difficult for our mutual friends. I wouldn't want them to feel awkward. That's why I chose to take a step back. It definitely doesn't mean that I'm running away from something or someone!"

Park Jimin looked at him in silence before he said, "Have I been abroad for way too long? When I came back three months ago and learned about everything from my sister, I was surprised, to say the least." Taehyung turned his head and gazed out the window as if he didn't want to listen to Jimin but that didn't discourage Jimin at all. "When you're getting the divorce, you should have contacted me. I could have helped you."

"How? Did you become a divorce lawyer?" Taehyung acted surprised making Park Jimin's face twitch. "Or maybe, I should have told you about the divorce so that you could take that chance to finally hit on my ex-wife."

"Taehyung, my morals might be corrupted but I'm still the person who values friendship a lot. I gave you a promise as a man and as your best friend. Until this day, I stick with my words."

Taehyung's eyes flashed with a nostalgic look as he could recall the promise between them...


"It's already clear that we like the same girl," Park Jimin had told him as they stood on the basketball court of the high school. "But the three of us are friends."

"Are you reminding me of that so that you could convince me to give up on her for the sake of our friendship?" retorted Taehyung. "Dream on! That's not happening! I'm not giving up on her!"

"What a surprise!" said Jimin. "So am I!"

They both glared at each other intensely.

"Let's make a deal," suggested Jimin. "Both of us get to court her. And let's leave the final decision to her. It doesn't matter whether we like her or not, what matters is who she likes."

"What's the catch?" asked Taehyung suspiciously.

Jimin threw the basketball at his face but he caught it easily. "There is no catch!" He took a pause to step aside to get a bottle of water as he said, "However, once she chooses one of us, the other won't let this come between our friendship."

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