Chapter 44

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Taehyung didn't know what he could say to that. "It seems my wife had a habit of making people speechless even at that age." He really didn't know whether to say that she was very mature even at that age or find it very sad that she matured too early. Someone at that age should be enjoying the beauty of childhood, not living the cruelty of life.

"She had never been like other kids her age," said SeoJun . "Her brain development had been exceptional. And even though she can't differentiate between emotions, she is certainly very good at handling it all."

Taehyung's finger was tracing the seam of the cup placed before him as he stared ahead absentmindedly. With a lot of things running through his mind, he wasn't sure about what to say. "Dad, what about her parents? Did they never tried to meet her either?"

"Uncle Park would never let them come near her," said SeoJun .

"Why is that so?" questioned Taehyung. He didn't think Grandfather Park was an unreasonable person. And he had seen how much he loved Roseanne which made it harder for him to believe that he'd want to keep her away from her parents.

"That I'm not very clear about," stated SeoJun honestly. "Although I don't know the exact details of what really happened back then, however, I'm certain it was nothing good. In fact, I believe something terrible happened. Because whenever I so much as bring up this topic, both Uncle Park and Jisoo have a strange reaction."

"So you think there is more to this?" asked Taehyung with furrowed brows.

SeoJun nodded his head in reply, "There is definitely more to it but don't go around asking Roseanne about this."

"Dad, why would I ask her?" Taehyung looked at his father as he went on, "She was too young to even know what conspired at the time of her birth."

"She knows," said SeoJun .


"There is no such thing as secrets between Uncle Park and Roseanne. She likes absolute transparency in her life. If something is uncertain, she'd keep her distance. That's why Uncle Park and Jisoo made sure to tell her everything truthfully."

"But is it alright to tell something so bitter to someone so young?"

SeoJun sighed out, "And what if you heard the same thing from a third person instead?" Taehyung paused as he heard that. "No matter how painful the truth is, your wife still values the truth. She is an honest person who likes honesty in return."

After hearing it all, Taehyung came to a conclusion. His father's conjecture might be right. Something terrible must have happened that made Grandfather Park so reluctant to let Roseanne's parents into her life.

He stood up to leave and took his coat from the back of the chair as he said, "Don't worry, I don't plan on asking her about any of this. If she doesn't want to talk about it, I don't think there is any need for me to bring it up."

He turned around to leave but stopped at the door. Turning back, he asked, "You always wanted her to be your daughter-in-law, didn't you?"

SeoJun lifted his eyes to look at his son, "What makes you say that?"

"She has mom's pendant," replied Taehyung. "I always wondered why such an important thing would end up at an auction. Now, I think you had planned it that way. You wanted it to end up with her."

SeoJun smiled at his son, "My son, you're really being observant these days." He took a pause before adding, "She doesn't like taking gifts. But she'd spend any amount of money to get what catches her eye."

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