Chapter 20

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It had been a long while since someone actually told Taehyung that he was warm. Because he actually didn't think he was a warm person. He had been keeping such a cold aura around him that it scared people away. Yet, this girl was telling him, he felt warm.

While Taehyung was busy staring into her black gems like eyes, Roseanne raised her arms and wrapped them around his frame catching him off-guard. Now, her whole body was very close to his own.

"See? I was right," she said calmly. "You are warm."

They say hugs are very powerful. When she hugged him, he actually thought it was right. He didn't even know he needed this hug. And he didn't even know for how long he had been yearning for this one hug. He just knew that this hug brought warmth to his chilled heart.

"Wife..." he called out in a small voice. "Who are you?"

"Huh?" Roseanne pulled away and stared into his eyed. "What do you mean who I am? Did you forget your wife so soon? We just got married!"

He shook his head and asked, "I mean, what are you?"

"People say I'm a robot but this beating heart of mine is proof that I'm a human," she replied.

Taehyung continued to look at her face as he said, "A human? Your Sooya said you're very special. I might have to agree with her." Roseanne didn't know what he was talking about but she listened intently with no fluctuation in her expressions. "Because you seem to know what I need to hear the most." He placed his hand on her head as he added, "I don't know if you do it intentionally or unintentionally, but you have said something I really needed to hear."

From his very first encounter with her to now, she had always said something he needed to hear. It mostly hurt his feelings but what she said had all been true till now. Either her words were like a wake-up call or a reminder that not every decision he made in life was right. Perhaps, that's why when she said he was warm, he was willing to believe it so easily.

He held her hand and asked, "What would you like to see first? Our home? Or our room?"

He was asking her to make a choice but he was definitely asking the wrong person to make a choice. Roseanne scratched the tip of her nose and said, "Our room is in our home, right?"

"Obviously," he replied.

"Then let's just take a tour of this home. Eventually, we'll get to the room as well." She knew if she didn't look around this house now, she might not be able to do it later on. After all, it's been six months since she moved here, and yet she hadn't seen the whole of her own villa. From her bedroom to the dining table and living room, that's the only route she knew.

Taehyung considerately took her around to give her a proper home tour. Along the way, Roseanne found some famous artworks hanging on the walls along with sculptures that laid around. The villa was spacious, luxurious, and a little cold. Because it was too big for just two people, it had a cold feeling to it.

"I've been meaning to ask this, doesn't your father live here with you?"

"He does," replied Taehyung. "Why?"

"Then where is he?" she inquired since she thought that everyone left the restaurant around the same time. If they were already here, how come his father wasn't here yet?

Taehyung took a moment before replying, "He said since it's our wedding night, he'd like to give us some space. He'd be spending the night at the hotel."

"He didn't have to do that just because it's our wedding night," she retorted. "People might think I kicked my father-in-law out as soon as I got the entry to this house. And such daughters-in-law are labeled as vicious!"

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