Chapter 19

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Seeing him nod like this Jisoo sighed out. She poured Taehyung a drink and said, "Then I believe you must have felt like having a strong drink." Taehyung was surprised that she read his thoughts. He did ask for a drink earlier because of Roseanne. Jisoo shook her head at his expression and added, "Our Rosie usually makes people feel like drinking. She seems to be pretty good at it."

Taehyung didn't know why but hearing this made his lips curve up in an imperceptible smile. He was amused to know that Roseanne's family knew her so well. But not only that, he felt good knowing that Roseanne was the same with everyone. He wasn't the only one she tried to annoy on purpose.

He looked at Grandfather Park and Jisoo before voicing out, "Actually, she is pretty interesting." He looked at Roseanne who was talking to his father and added, "She is difficult to talk to but she is very adorable at times."

Both Grandfather Park and Jisoo shared a look of relief.

Soon, dinner was served and everyone started talking candidly. Grandfather Park was already satisfied with Taehyung and that's why he selected him for his granddaughter. However, this meeting allowed Jisoo to relax as well. She could finally set her heart at ease.

Suddenly the topic of conversation shifted to Roseanne and Taehyung's wedding...

"I actually wanted to hold a grand wedding ceremony for you both but your grandfather said you won't like it," stated SeoJun .

"That'd be troublesome," was Roseanne's reply. "Why bother going through all that trouble? We can save money, effort, and time by just registering the marriage."


Roseanne looked at Jisoo and asked innocently, "What? Did I say something wrong?"

SeoJun chuckled at her response and said, "Actually, you didn't. You're right. It'd be too much of a hassle." SeoJun looked at Grandfather Park who was rubbing his temples. It seemed like she was exactly as he was told about her. This made him feel eager to see how the relationship between Roseanne and Taehyung would evolve.

As a father, he only wanted his son's happiness. And he had a feeling, Roseanne was that incredible dose of happiness that had been missing from Taehyung's life.

"SeoJun, don't encourage her," said Grandfather Park in a low voice. He looked at his granddaughter and went on, "And Poppet, just because you got out of the wedding ceremony doesn't mean we won't be holding a reception."

"Oh," was her dry response. "Is it necessary though?"

"You don't have to think about it for now," said SeoJun . "We'll hold the reception after a month or so. In the meantime, it's better that you both try to spend more and more time together."

"Spend time together?" repeated Roseanne as she looked at Taehyung whose eyes were already fixed on her face.

"We know you both are very busy," started SeoJun . "So, planning a long honeymoon might be difficult. But it's the weekend which means you can definitely go for a small getaway. Right?"

While Taehyung was thinking, she'd have some issues with this suggestion, Roseanne enthusiastically said, "Where? I mean where can we go? Since we can't go far, how about some interesting place in the city or close to the city? I actually haven't seen anything here apart from my office building."

Taehyung lowered his voice and whispered close to her ear, "Do you even know what a honeymoon means?"

She nodded her head, "Hubby, what do you take me for?" Taehyung was stunned by that one 'hubby' while she went on, "Honeymoon is a holiday spent together by a newly married couple."

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