Chapter 42🔞

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***18+ WARNING!***

Taehyung already knew that his wife was bold and beautiful. If she wanted something, she'd never wait for someone to give it to her. She'd rather take it herself. As long as she could, she'd never let herself be wronged. Her body moved purely on instinct and desire.

Soon, Taehyung's mind blanked when he felt her first bite on his neck. Just as he had done to her previously on their honeymoon; she sucked, nibbled, and licked on the side of his neck. Taehyung had to bite his lower lip to hold back the sound that threatened to escape from his throat.

Roseanne however, didn't like that. As her eyes fell on him trying to control his voice, her eyes narrowed slightly before she leaned down and captured his bottom lip with her teeth. Taehyung gasped as she had bitten a little harder.

"Don't bite it," Taehyung felt like her voice held some warning to it. "If you like it so much, I can bite it for you."

Taehyung almost rolled his eyes at her words but didn't. With his eyes on her movements, he grasped her opened shirt and slid it down her shoulders revealing her round and beautiful shoulders.

Roseanne also leaned down to bite on his heaving chest, right in the middle. After she was done, she looked at the mark she left on his body with satisfaction. She finally knew how those mosquito bites came about. Also, one should always mark one's territory unless some random bug get other ideas!

A guttural groan escaped him as her body moved and his hard erection pressed against her heat. Roseanne looked at his face unblinkingly as her pelvis moved against his evident hardness through the layer of fabrics that separated their skin from touching directly. The friction created made it really hard for Taehyung to stay still.

He reached behind to unhook her bra with just one hand. His calloused, manly fingers slowly trailed down the straps from her shoulders. Roseanne let the material out of her arms and let her blossom completely exposed before his darkened eyes.

He wrapped an arm around her waist before shifting their position once again. The contrast between her fully dressed lower body and fully naked upper body made the picture before him even more enticing and alluring. No matter what, he couldn't deny the truth that he hummed out, "Wifey, you're beguilingly gorgeous."

Roseanne looked at the way his eyes roamed over her body and replied, "I know."

Taehyung's eyes instantly went up to meet hers as she stared back at him without hesitation. He knew she was a beauty but was it alright for her to compliment herself? And then it suddenly hit him. Her confidence and boldness came from this very acceptance of herself. She didn't think she had any flaws. Even when people called her an emotionless robot, the only reason she didn't mind wasn't that she was really emotionless. It was because she had long accepted her very core wholeheartedly.

That allowed her to bloom out of the mud like a lotus flower. People's opinions never got to her just like the mud could never blemish the beauty of a lotus flower. They say, 'The lotus flower blooms most beautifully from the deepest and thickest mud.' She was also like that. The more people put labels on her, the more beautiful she bloomed and the more unbothered she got.

He bent down and his mouth instantly fell on her aroused bud. The sudden hot contact made Roseanne's hips arch a little off the bed and brushed against him as he rolled her nipple and sucked on it. Roseanne could tell that because of what he did to her nipple, something shot directly to her core. She had recently been introduced to what that something was. This was the 'pleasure' she was looking for.

His other hand cupped her other breast, the pad of his thumb teased her bud making her moan quietly. Meanwhile, Roseanne's hands went down to his towel that was stubbornly sticking to his body even now! She thought after this much rolling around, it would fall like a good boy. Who knew it'd be so stubborn wanting to cling to her husband?

CEO'S  Untamed Wife | Taerose ✔️Where stories live. Discover now