Chapter 25

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"Actually, for as long as I have known Taehyung, he'd been with Jennie. And I did hear about his marriage with Jennie. That's why I kept on talking earlier." Sana looked quite guilty.

"People get divorced as well," Roseanne felt the need to tell her that.

Sana nodded her head, "Indeed, people do get divorced. But you see, I never thought Taehyung and Jennie would get separated. They made me believe in love blindly. They were always together. They were literally the couple goals for everyone. Who wasn't envious of their relationship? Plenty tried to even break their relationship but none worked. I really thought no one could come between them." She was taken aback to see that Roseanne's expressions didn't change from start to end. It was as if they were discussing something completely unrelated to her.

And in fact, Roseanne did believe this conversation was completely unrelated to her. What kind of relationship Taehyung had with his ex-wife had nothing to do with her. "People really assume that there is always a third person to destroy a marriage but we forget sometimes that third person is actually living within us. When the adrenaline of love wears off, people can finally see each other for real. And let's face it, not all of us like the real us." Sana's face stiffened at her words. "Oh and I guess, it's about time you should stop believing in love blindly. Sooner you open your eyes, the sooner you'll be able to see yourself standing at the edge of the cliff."

As she was about to leave, Sana called out, "Doesn't it affect you?" Roseanne paused as she turned her head slightly to her side. "I'm talking about your husband. Doesn't it affect you that he had been in love with someone so passionately before?"

Roseanne offered her one of her practiced smiles as she said, "The last thing to bother me is love. No matter whose love it is, it can't possibly affect my life."

Sana was taken aback by that response. But Roseanne didn't care as she left the ladies' room and came to Taehyung.

"Shall we head back?" he asked.

"Yup," replied Roseanne while nodding.

As they were on their way back to their cabin, Roseanne could tell that Taehyung had been looking at her from time to time. He definitely had something to say but was taking his time thinking it through.

"If you want to ask anything, go ahead," said Roseanne.

Taehyung nodded and started, "I saw Sana also went towards the ladies' room. I was wondering if she ran into you?"

"She did," answered Roseanne.

"Did she say anything to you?"


"About my... Ex-wife?"

Roseanne nodded in reply, "She did say something."

"Don't pay attention to her words," said Taehyung.

"Why? You didn't love your ex-wife as much as she's been gushing about?"

Taehyung was quiet for a moment before replying, "No, she's telling the truth. That's why I said not to pay attention to her words. It's all in the past."

"Pay attention to her words?" repeated Roseanne. "I wasn't planning on doing that. I have better things to do with my time than to think about just a random person's words whom I met briefly in the ladies' room."

Taehyung sighed out, "That's good then."

As they reached the cabin, Taehyung went to take a hot bath while Roseanne found her phone to look through. Seeing that she had no missed calls, she continued to blink at the screen unbelievingly. She hurriedly dialed a number.

CEO'S  Untamed Wife | Taerose ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang