Chapter 17

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"I'm almost there, what about you?"

That was the first thing Taehyung heard when he picked up Roseanne's call. He just came out of the meeting when she called him. He looked at the time, it was quarter to 4. Because the holidays had just ended a few days ago, he had been very busy. But he still didn't think he'd be stuck in the meeting for this long.

"I just came out of the meeting, will be there as soon as possible," he replied and taking advantage of his long legs, took long strides. He was walking in such a hurry that even his assistant was having trouble keeping up with him. And he was also clueless about why Master Taehyung was in such a hurry today.

Roseanne looked up from the iPad screen and replied, "Okay, then don't be late. I'm a very patient person, but I don't wait for people."

"I can tell," was his response before they ended the call. He gave some instructions to his assistant before leaving the office before the working hours. And as he left so early, everyone in the company started gossiping about why Master Taehyung left early today. After all, since the time, he took over the business, he'd be found in the office even after the working works.

There were a lot of wild guesses but there was no real conclusion. It left people feeling restless and curious.


Lisa looked at her boss through the rearview mirror and frowned in confusion. Roseanne had asked her to clear her schedule after 3 o'clock. But she wasn't given any explanation regarding it. It wasn't like Roseanne ever gave her any clear answers but it was even more inconceivable that she was actually ditching work for something.

But when the car stopped outside the Civil Service Bureau, Lisa's brain really blanked out. She tried to think of all possibilities why her boss would want to come here. But none fit. "Chief, are we at the right place?"

Roseanne looked at the building and nodded her head, "Seems like it." She alighted from the car and wore her big black shades that covered almost half of her face.

Lisa followed her out and stood beside her as she asked, "Chief, what business do we have here?"

Roseanne was observing everyone around her as she replied, "Not we, I came here for an important business. You can leave now." While Lisa was hesitating whether to question further or not, when Roseanne's voice rang out again, "By the way, how am I looking?"

Lisa was stunned by that question. It was not hard to answer the question, it was hard to understand why this question was being asked. She looked at Roseanne from top to bottom. Those burgundy culottes matched with a white shirt and nude shoes along with the red and pink plaid blazer that was carelessly draped over her shoulders gave her a bold look. With her looks and those clothes, did she even have to ask how she looked? The answer was very obvious!

She gave her two thumbs up saying, "As always, Chief, is looking super cool and gorgeous!" She wasn't trying to flatter her, she was complimenting sincerely.

Roseanne touched the golden hoop earring and said, "It was pointless to ask you." She had heard the same thing from people so many times, that it seemed too perfunctory now.

Lisa felt wronged when Roseanne said that but she still dared to ask, "But, Chief, what's the occasion?"

"I'm getting married," was Roseanne's casual response. "You can leave now. Since I'm taking the next couple of hours off, you should work in my place. Don't laze around. Let me know as soon as the new contract is delivered."

Lisa was in a daze after hearing Roseanne's response and even nodded in a daze. She didn't know how she got back inside the car and left. She just knew her brain was reeling from shock. She couldn't even question Roseanne whether she was joking or being serious? Because she already knew the answer; Roseanne didn't joke around such stuff.

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