Chapter 49

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Just as his legs wrapped around her torso and locked her in, she could tell what he was intending to do. But she didn't care as her mind was focused on his words.

He just called her smile ugly.

Roseanne's face instantly lost the 'ugly' smile as her expressionless face stared at him.

"This is the first time someone has given me a very honest compliment," said Roseanne surprising Taehyung . "I also think my smile is ugly. At least, it looks ugly before yours." With her hand holding the front of his white uniform, she said, "But I spent three years trying to practice this ugly smile before the mirror. I should at least get the credit for my effort."

Seeing how she was trying to twist her way out of his lock, he grabbed her wrists to break her posture and moved her hands from his body to the mat in a swift movement. He did it so nimbly that Roseanne lost the momentum and her upper body jerked ahead.

Her face was close to his neck now as he isolated her hand before she could attack back and whispered, "You're a realist person. It's a shame that you're trying to fake a smile to fit in." He moved up to post onto his elbow for elevation. Next, with his free hand, he reached over her shoulder and looped under her arm where he latched onto the wrist of his other hand.

Right when he fell on his back at an angle to complete the Kimura submission, her boneless body squirmed out of his lock in a way that even he couldn't see it. Before he could react, she held him against the ground, face front. She sat on his back as she had twisted his arm behind his back.

"Who said I practiced that smile to fit in?" she responded. "It was to make my Grandpa feel reassured. I don't have a habit of trying to please people. And the only person whom I actually try to please is my grandfather."

She could see him gritting his teeth because of how she twisted his arm but he was still not submitting. It had to be painful. Jungkook would always give up because of pain at this point. Then why wasn't he doing the same?

"You're not gonna give up?" she asked.

"And accept that I lost?" he retorted. "Not happening!"

"But there is no way, you'd be able to escape this," she reminded him.

"There is always a way," his words had just fallen when his free hand held her bent knee and tugged with full force, cracking her posture before he rolled on his back. Both of them were currently in such a tangled position that Roseanne's body fell on him.

As Roseanne nose hit the side of his face, she said, "I didn't know you're stubborn."

"I usually am not stubborn," replied Taehyung as he held her chin. "But when I want someone, I intend to become unyielding."

Roseanne nodded her head as her lips brushed past his cheek towards his lips. With her lips against his, she went on, "How interesting... So do I."

Taehyung smiled against her lips before he lifted his head to capture her lips into a kiss. Roseanne turned her head to respond to his kiss. Right when the kiss was about to turn heated...

"Rosie! Taehyung ! Let's have dinn-! Cough! Cough!" SeoJun ended up choking on his words when he was met with the scene of his son and his wife making out in that posture on the ground.

Both Roseanne and Taehyung turned their heads to look at him while SeoJun had turned his eyes towards the ceiling as he said, "I have night blindness. I didn't see a thing. Please, continue!" Saying that he turned around to leave with excitement palpable on his face.

"Dad!" Taehyung called out to him. "Why do you look so happy if you didn't see anything?"

"I am a happy person, to begin with," replied SeoJun. "Unlike my son who is always blue."

CEO'S  Untamed Wife | Taerose ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن