Chapter 60

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With his left hand intertwined with her right hand and his right hand intertwined with her left hand, their posture was like he had completely engulfed her body in his embrace. Her back was still pressed against his chest as his face nuzzled closer to her hair.

There was a complete silence shrouded around them. As they sat on the balcony, they could see the bright sunlight kissing the lush green grounds and trees that surrounded the villa. Taehyung found this silence comforting and even her scent of roses that he had become familiar with felt relaxing.

Forget about any kind of workout, he didn't even wish to move a muscle right now. He couldn't even remember when was the last he just sat like this doing nothing at all while holding a soft and cuddly person in his arms. His eyes fixed on her fair and delicate neck. Her shrug had slid down from her round shoulders and Taehyung couldn't help pressing his lips against her fair skin.

"What are we doing here?" Roseanne had waited patiently for good fifteen minutes before opening her mouth to question. "Didn't you say we'll do work out?"

"That'd be tiring," he replied. His lips brushed against the tip of her ear as he added, "I find this position rather comfortable. Let's stay like this. Hmm?"

His voice sounded mature and pleasant to hear. Slightly mellow and charismatic. It had the ability to make anyone's heart skip a beat and make someone blush. But apparently, the one in his arms was an exception. She had no such reaction that he was used to getting from others in his life.

Roseanne contemplated his words before she let her body sink deeper into his without hesitation. Since he didn't want to move, there was no need for her to do so. Besides, she couldn't deny that she also felt the same. This position was oddly feeling good to her. It was strange for her to be not doing anything, so she let herself focus on the rhythm of his heartbeat that she could feel against her skin.

Suddenly, her eyes caught sight of something and she tilted her face a little. Since he was already close to her face, when she slightly tilted her face, her long lashes that felt like half-opened sandalwood fan tickled his face as she blinked. The corner of his lips tugged up.

"Why did you move these potted flowers here?" she questioned.

Taehyung didn't even turn his face as he continued to hold her gaze and said, "Don't you like beautiful things? I thought you should get to see the beauty of blooming flowers every morning. That's why I asked the gardener to shift these here."

"Oh..." she responded in understanding. "So, you did it for me?"

"Yes," he replied.

She blinked making his skin tingle even more and yet he didn't move away. "Thank you!" Taehyung raised his brow slightly at her. "When someone does something for you, we should always say thank you."

"Even if you don't like what they did for you?" he inquired out of the blue.

"Yes, even if you don't like it," she answered honestly. "When you say 'thank you', you aren't saying it for what they did for you but instead, that 'thank you' is for the effort behind the action."

Taehyung unconsciously tightened his arms around her. His current mood could be described easily, he just wanted to hug her. That was it! Just a hug! That's all he wanted to do now.

The tip of his nose rubbed against her soft cheek and he kept it that way without saying another word to her.

It's such a beautiful thing when you realize that you've become so comfortable with someone that just their presence is enough to soothe your heart and put it to rest. Not only that, they make you want to share everything that's been bothering you. Taehyung felt like she was someone he could share everything with. And the beautiful thing was, he didn't even have to worry that she would laugh at him.

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