- 43. Ties That Bind - 4

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Thank you for waiting...!
Here you go with fourth chapter!

Chapter 4: Trials and Tribulations

They were on roads of Ooty for their pri- wedding tour. While Veer was on the passenger seat and Bani on the steering wheel.

Veer for first felt awkward that girl will drive him, but com'n who was he kidding. And Veer believed in the equality, not just the equality for name sake but with his actions. He himself was training Vanshika and he had given driving lessons to his mom too. He likes it that way. No one should be dependent on anybody. And driving is a basic necessity that one should know with along with cooking. Like he knew.

They hit the roads of Ooty which was now with less humidity and the chills were beginning. He saw Bani driving effortlessly, there was a mild music going on the radio, the 80s Bollywood music, which had meanings and emotions with every word in the lyrics.

He heard her humming along the song sometimes.

V: Sweetheart, let's shift now, it's more than two hours now. Thoda rest Karo.

Sweetheart. It was the 7th time he called her that, directly. She was counting? Definitely. This somehow made her cheeks grow a darker shade of pink everytime he addressed her as Sweetheart. She couldn't help but be flattered by his choice of endearment.

B: nai Veeranshu, I'm fine. But tea break le sakte hai, nai?

V: of course, why not?

B: ok. Let's find nice place then.


Bani spotted a cozy café by the roadside, nestled amidst the scenic beauty of Ooty. She steered the car into the parking area, and they both got out, stretching their legs after the long drive.

The café had a rustic charm, with wooden furniture and a warm ambiance. Veer held the door open for Bani, allowing her to enter first with a polite gesture. They found a comfortable corner table with a view of the picturesque surroundings.

They settled down, and a friendly waiter approached their table to take their orders.

Waiter: Good afternoon! What can I get you today?

V: Two cups of hot tea, please. And -

He turned towards Bani to ask her for some snacks or dessert if she wants to.

V: Bani? Kuch or chahiye?

B: no thanks!

She passed a polite smile towards the men.

The waiter noted down their order and swiftly left to prepare their tea. Veer and Bani engaged in casual conversation while they waited, soaking in the pleasant atmosphere of the café.

V: You know, Bani, I mean I don't know how to put it in words, Thank you for agreeing for this.

Of course for them, these small moments like this café break would make their trip even more memorable.

Bani smiled warmly, her eyes filled with affection.

Their tea arrived, They sipped their tea and indulging in the sweetness of the moment.

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