A Shadow of His Former Self

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Radio noise is heard as the camera fades from black. Caboose is standing behind Tucker and Rayner is standing off the side.

Tucker: Come in, Blue Command. This is Blood Gulch Outpost Alpha. Do you read me?

Caboose: Okay, that is the last of it. Your armor is clean now!

Tucker: Did you get all the black stuff off?

More radio noise is heard. Cut to Vic sitting at his control panel.

Vic: This is Blue Command. Come in, Blood Gulch Outpost Alpha.

Tucker: Hello, Command! We need help!

Vic: Roger that, Blood Gulch. What is your request?

Tucker: I don't know what the technical military term is for it, but, uh, we're pretty fucked up down here. We need men!

Vic: [pauses] Dude, how long have you guys been down there?

Tucker: No, no, no, n-not like that! We need more men to help us.

Vic: Roger that. Did you get the tank we sent?

Tucker: Yeah, that got blown up too.

Vic: Wow. Sucks to be you.

Tucker: Yeah, we know.

Vic: Okay, here's what I can do. The nearest Blue forces can be there in 16 days, or I-

Tucker: 16 days!? That's almost 2 weeks!

Vic: OR I can hire a nearby Freelancer and get him there within a few hours.

Caboose: I like the "in an hour" one.

Tucker: Yeah, me too. Roger that, Command. We prefer the quicker solution.

Vic: 10-4, Blood Gulch. We'll contact Freelancer Tex and have them there post-haste. Command out.

Radio cuts off.

Tucker: Whoever he is, make sure he can fix a tank.

Rayner: So let me get this straight. While I was off answering a call the red guy, whose a new red rookie, stole our flag. You and Church decided to confront him to get our flag back. Which then led to you two getting ambushed by the reds with their car and getting pinned down behind a rock by their car mounted gun. Then Caboose decided to help you two by driving the tank. Which, since he doesn't know how to drive it, led to Church getting killed by the tank. And then when you keep firing at the red base a Pelican flew by and bombed the tank. Which now leads with no flag, no tank, and one dead teammate. All within the span of a few minutes.

Tucker: uuhhh... yup, that pretty much covers it.

Rayner:.... You gotta be FUCKING KIDDING ME!! I didn't even get to drive the tank! Why didn't you just use the tank in the first place!?

Tucker: Dude, no one knew how to drive it! How did you expect us to drive it!?

Rayner: There's a tutorial program in the tank, Tucker!

Tucker: Wait, seriously?

Rayner: Yes! All those class of battle vehicles have tutorials for quick deployment purposes.

Tucker: Oh...

Rayner: [sigh] Oh whatever. Well, what'cha get from command?

Tucker: They're sending a Freelancer named Tex here.

Rayner: Wait, Tex's coming?

Tucker: Yeah, why? You know them?

Rayner: ... nah, man. Just, weird name, y'know.

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