.lets win this bitch.

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🕷️Moxie Trigger


Tom dragged me through the crowds of people. I didn't have my helmet on and I was trying my best to hide my face.

After 5 minutes of walking and keeping my head hung low we made it to my bike. Luckily no was surrounding it. Tom let go of my hand.

"Put your helmet on."

I told him. We both started to put our helmets on, just in time because a group of guys came up to the bike.

"Bro you have a nice as bike."

One walked over to Tom and complemented him about MY bike.

"Thanks but it's hers."

Tom pointed to me, I smiled slightly. The group of boys were stared at me with wide eyes.

"Oh um- nice bike...."

"It is nice."

They seem so socially awkward when it comes to talking to me. Obviously someone can't talk to girls. Me and Tom were parked next to a wall so I sat down against the wall. Letting out a big sigh.

Tom sat down cross legged in front of me. He held onto one of my hands.

"What's wrong Foxy?"

I wanted to cry. Whenever something got good in my life it was taken away from me. I couldn't cry though. Not in front of Tom.

"I'm just nervous..... and your leaving soon."

Toms hand worked it's way up my arm and stopped at my shoulder. He tapped his helmet against mine and just leaned on my helmet.

"I will be back. Back for your racing."

I smiled. I wanted to hug him but I didn't know if I could. I mean, we're just friends still..... right?

"Hey are you night rider?"

Tom moved out my way and we saw a guy is a video camera standing just behind Tom.

"Um yea...."

I stood up and Tom did as well.

"Ah can I take some photos and videos of you for my vlog? I go to meet ups often and post them on YouTube."

Ah YouTube. I've heard of that. Never really use it though. I nodded my head and he started to walk around my bike taking photos and videos.

I just went back to leaning against the wall but I was standing up this Time. Tom stood next to me.

"Are you racing Night rider?"

I looked up to see a camera watching me and the guy asking a question.

"Uh yea I am."

"Even after your big crash?"

I rolled my eyes at the question. I nodded my head. I think the guy got a hint I didn't want to talk about it. He waved bye and walked off. Thank fuck.

Tom snaked his arm around my waist, holding me close to him.

"Are you okay?"

I looked up to his face that was covered by the  helmet.

"Yea I'm good."

That lie went right through my teeth like a snakes tongue flies. I was not okay. I was pissing myself at this point. That guy bringing up my crash really had put me on edge. I grabbed my phone from my pocket to check the time.

I flicked it open but I was unable to read the time cause of a fucking crack going right through where the time is.

"Tom what's the time."

Tom dug his hand into his pocket and pulled his phone out.

"It's 9:02"

Still another hour of waiting. Ugh. I just sat down and leaned my head against Toms leg. I just sat and watched people walk past.



After 45 minutes of literally just sitting there, it was 9:50.

"Let's go Tom."

I got up and swing my leg over my bike. I cracked my neck and stretched my back.

"Hold on pretty boy."

I talked to Tom. He laughed and slowly got on, still not used to it. He wrapped his arms around my waist and held on tightly. I started the bike up and flicked the side stand up.

People were walking on the road in my way. I pulled the clutch in and pushed the gear lever down into gear one. I revved the bike's engine and it was loud enough to make people jump and scatter out the way. I stayed at a steady 15km as people seriously don't know what a fucking road is.

I had enough everyone was getting in my way. We had been stuck for around 10 minutes cause people DONT KNOW HOW TO FUCKING WALK FASTER.

I flicked my visor up.


I yelled at the top of my lungs, everyone looked back and realized that I was behind them and they all started to move to the side. I've got 5 minutes to the race fucking hell.

People started to recognize that I was 'night rider' and started cheering and following after me. Ugh fans. I was around 50 meters away when I saw that girl in teeny tiny shorts stand in between motorbikes.


I yelled out, I felt Toms hold of me tighten, and that's when I flicked up to gear three. Slowly going up into the 100km mark. I leaned into my gas tank and clenched my thighs against the sides of my bike. The flag flew down and the riders set of.

I had to catch up fast. I was a good 40 meters behind them. Tom leaned against my back and I felt his knees tighten against my thighs.

Let's win this bitch.





Word count:915

❥𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫❥ Tom Kaulitz 🕷️Where stories live. Discover now