.i wanna be yours.

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🕷️Moxie Trigger


I stood there. Proud. But on the verge of tears. I just dropped my biggest secret. My only escape. The place I feel alive at. The other person I am.

I walked off back to my garage and started to pack my shit into my bag. I wanted out of here. I needed it. Tom followed after me. I pulled my leathers off and was about to walk out.

"Moxie. Please stay for prize giving."

I turned around. I locked eyes with Tom. Tears escaped my eyes. I started crying. Crying like a bay. All my worry's and problems dropped at once. All my anxiety and pain being let out.

I ran into Toms arms. Rightly wrapping my arms around his waist, crying into his chest. Tom was cooing sweet nothings into my ear. It made me cry more. Tom eventually picked me up and I moved my arms to wrap them around his neck.

He wrapped one arm around my waist and one held my ass up. I cried into the crevice of his neck. He walked outside somewhere. A grassy bank. He laid down and rested his arm out to the side.

I curled up next to him, using his arm as a pillow. That arm snaked around to my waist, holding me close to him. He was looking up at the sky. Admiring the clouds as I admired him.

He looked down at me.

"You have a new piercing."

He smiled warmly as he ran his pointy finger over my face near my eyebrow. I nodded.

"I got it for my birthday from Amy..."

Tom nodded as he listened. He just wanted to be next to me. He came back.

"I like you Moxie."

My eyes grew wide. I studied his face as he continued to study the sky.

"You told me to tell you once I get back so here I am."

He once again looked down at me. He looked like he was about to cry. I think.... He's also had a hard Time... I saw a tear fall down his face. He didn't make any noise. Just a single tear rolled down his face.

I slowly picked my hand up and wiped his tear away. I placed my hand on his tensed chest.

"I.... Like you to Tom...."

I replied back.

"Your the best thing since dad-"

I choked on that sentence. Because it was true. He was the best thing. After losing dad I grew into a little shit.

I got suspended from school on multiple occasions for scrapping with people or yelling back at teachers. Man I even got caught smoking cigarettes or drinking with Paige in the bathrooms.

❥𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫❥ Tom Kaulitz 🕷️Where stories live. Discover now