.i like you.

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🕷️Moxie Trigger


We pulled up to this tall building. I looked at the time that was on the cars radio. 20 minutes til 3.

"Okay thanks Chris, um I'll text you when I need picking up or I'll just taxi."

I quickly got out and walked to the entrance of the building. The glass doors automatically opened when I stepped in range and I walked in. Someone ran up to me and started saying stuff like, 'follow me' and 'we are ready'. I was practically dragged away.

I knew that this show was live streamed in the afternoon and replayed at night. I took a deep breath. They took me to this back stage place and they told me to walk on once I heard me name.

"And today we have a special guest! Moxie Trigger!"

I walked on with a smile on my face, waving at the crowd while people clapped for me. I turned to face the host and my heart dropped.

What was tokio hotel doing here. Aren't they meant to be on a plane? My eyes locked with Toms. I quickly averted my gaze to the only seat remaining. Next to Tom.

I sat down and held I smiled on my face. The host gave me a microphone.

"Introduce yourself to the audience Moxie!"

The host told me. I shifted my gaze to the crowd. I held the microphone up to my mouth.

"Hi everyone! I'm Moxie Trigger, also known as 'Moxie Foxy'. Um I'm a motorbike racer and I'm 16!"

I tried to act joyful but I knew some people would see through my act. But that wasn't the only thing I was faking. I was faking as if I couldn't feel the burning gaze on my face. I turned my head slightly to see Tom staring at me.

"So you guys have been the talk of the week recently! Well to be honest, more specifically Tom and Moxie. Do you know why?"

We all shook our heads. But I knew exactly what it was going to be. The host pointed to a tv that was on the wall that we could look at. And there it was.

The photo of Tom and I almost kissing.

"So are you two a thing?"

I turned my attention to the host. Im taking the lead here.

"No, it was a one time thing. Have some fun then go out separate ways, if you know what I mean."

People in the crowd started to wolf howl. I looked over to the band and Tom looked somewhat heartbroken and annoyed. I just scoffed. Shoulda seen me last night.

Basically all the questions that were being asked was for Tokio Hotel and there tour. I had a couple like 'how's racing going?' 'Are you racing next season?' Literally the driest questions ever.

After an hour of dumb stuff the host said goodbye and everyone started to clap. the group of us walked off stage. I waved to the crowd with a big smile on my face. Blowing a kiss to them. The minute I got back stage that smile dropped.

I was walking a head of Tokio Hotel when I was harshly spun around my the shoulder.

"Hey watch it-"

"The fuck was that out there!"

It was Tom, I just laughed at him.

"That's what it seemed like didn't it? You fucked me then acted all weird after! Definitely what it was."

I turned back around and started stomping off. I'm so sick of men-

"Moxie I like you. I was to embarrassed to say something yesterday as I normally never feel like this but I genuinely feel something for you."

I smiled. I wanted to cry. Couldn't he have told me earlier.

"Tell me that when you back from tour."

I walk off. Back to the carpark where Chris was still sitting in his car. I opened the door and slammed it shut.

"Someone's moody."

"Fuck up."

I spat at him. I can't deal with his remarks right now.

Tom likes me. But he didn't want to tell me because he's never felt like this. So his way of dealing with that feeling was to basically ignore me and act like nothing happened between us.

Ugh I hate men.

But I don't hate him.



We got home and I instantly got out the car. Chris quickly followed after me, like he was trying to keep up. I got to the front door. And realized I don't have a key.

But that's when Chris saves the day! He has a key.

He unlocked the door and I pushed past him, going upstairs to my room. I closed my bedrooms door behind me. I let out a massive sigh.

I walked over to my bed which my cracked phone sat on. I could tell someone had been trying to called me. It was hunter. Shit. I managed to use the buttons to navigate around the cracked screen and call hunter.


"Sorry hunter! I was at an interview and my phones kinda stuffed."

"Ah moxie! I just want to let you know from tomorrow, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday we would like you to do some training! Just to get used to the bike."

We both agreed on what times I should meet at there companies mini track and then I ended the call.

1 month til racing.

1 month without Tom.

Maybe my whole life without Tom.





Word count: 909

Btw I apologize in advance theres gonna be a time skip next chapter 🤍

❥𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫❥ Tom Kaulitz 🕷️Where stories live. Discover now