Small bonus chapter

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"What happened to her?"

A girl muttered as she walked with her friend walked. Their Eyes burning into the girl in front of them. Their gaze was locked on the girls back. A scar covering that girls back like a blanket.

"That's Moxie. Remember? Her crash was all over the news."

The crash.

"Right! I heard about that."

"Poor girl."

The two girls walked off leaving a humiliated Moxie. She ran her tongue piercing along her warm pink lips. The metal ball cold to the touch. Her lashes fluttered as she stormed over to a public toilet that was in her sight.

Pushing the heavy door open, she was greeted with a disgusting stench. Gross. She thought to herself. She walked into the dirty bathroom. The heavy door slamming behind her. Turning on her heel. She faced the door and locked it.

Her gaze adverted to a small square mirror that was sat on one of the tiled walls. She looked at herself. She judged herself. Ocean blue eyes looked back at her. They were slightly swollen and had eye bags hanging under them from all the sleepless nights she had. She used her hand to feel her back. Rough and wrinkly skin greeted her hand. She remembers the feeling. That night one year ago. 

That sensation of small rocks digging into her flesh and she skidded across the road. It's repeated through her head every day. The stars unable to be seen from the road lights polluting the dark sky. The tattoo that once sat on her lower back was now none existent.

Her helmet looked as if it had been sanded down. She cried out. No, she screeched out in pain as her skin was ripped off. Chunks of her skin lodged in between the small rocks in the cement. A trail of blood shown where she slid across the road. Some would say it looked like a slasher scene. She slowly inhaled the night air.

Trying to steady her breathing. Her helmet visor was cracked. Unable to be seen out of. Her ocean blue eyes struggling to stay open. She laid in a pool of red liquid on a motorway she can't remember. Her head turned slowly, gasping in pain as she did. Her eyes widened at the sight. Her motorbike was now a bomb fire. Her pale skin reflecting the dancing orange flames ahead of her.


He called for her. Pain filled this poor boys voice. She heard the click of her helmet strap and slowly her helmet was taken off by the boy her sat over her. Long jet black hair flowed out of the helmet, landing on the bloody concrete under her.

"I'm sorry."

Her soft pained voice made out. Blood escaping her small pointy nose, she smiled. Eyes fluttering shut, the sounds of sirens filled her ears as she drifted into a sleep. 

Waking up in a cold, bland room was something she wasn't expecting a year ago. Devices beeping and a needle stuck in her arm. She knew where she was. Hospital. She slowly lifted her hand up, struggling to do so.

She ran her shaky hand along her face, feeling where her nose piercing was. Well once was.

"We had to remove your piercing. The hole ripped open from the impact."

She looked from her hand up to a man in a white clock who had just walked into the bland room. He almost blended in with it.

"You've been asleep for two days."

He carried on. She didn't remember why she was there. Her long black hair was tied back into a loose bun and she wore a ugly blue gown. Her gaze moved to the small table next to her.

Folded up clothes sat on it. She slowly reached for it with her stiff arm. She managed to grab a hold of the grey clothing that sat on the top of the pile. Unfolding the shirt she held it up, admiring it. A loud gasp escaped her mouth. The whole back of the shirt was ripped off.

And she knew this shirt. It was hers. That was the moment when all those memories came back to her. I crashed. The girl thought disappointingly. No. I was kicked off. She corrected herself. 

That cold white room haunted her still. The thought of being dragged into hospital made her gag. She unlocked the door, pushing it open. She was greeted by a large hand grasping around her small one. She looked up to see the boy from that night. She felt warm.

It was a nice feeling. Moxie and the boy walked off hand and hand. Her cheekbones popped out of the side of her face from the large smile she wore. She felt safe. She felt happy. But that night would stay in the seventeen year old's mind. Forever.



So I wrote this for an English assignment that's being graded and getting credits towards uni so wish me luck guys.

I also wanted to post this chapter because...


Updates will be a bit more slower then this book but the first 2 chapters have been released so I hope i enjoy.


❥𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫❥ Tom Kaulitz 🕷️Where stories live. Discover now