★ First Encounter ★

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Trigger warning: Child Abuse, Trauma, and Abuse

Y/N Jolie was an average child, she was raised by her mother in Germany.

Her father wasn't involved in her life as he left when she was born, when he got to the hospital the only words he could get out were

"That's not my child" before leaving the hospital doors and never returning since.

Ever since that event in the Jolie's household were hell, Y/N wasn't a stranger to fights as her mother's boyfriend Robert will always start problems with her mothers and her.

Friday morning-7:12 am

As I woke up this morning to the sound of rain I noticed that my mom wasn't yelling, that was very weird. Since we moved to a new area things have been off, her boyfriend is still here and I always hear them fight.

I start school today as my mom moves me around a lot, I think it's pretty stupid. Now today is my first day of 4th grade and I'm excited, I haven't made any friends and maybe this might help me out.

I got ready for school and kissed my mom goodbye before leaving and locking up behind me, please lord let some people at this new school like me.

8:30 am

I walked into class, and holy I was scared. As I walked in the teacher looked at me weirdly, she was side-eyeing me actually.

"Student quiet now, looks like we have a new member to our gorgeous family," she said as she looked to the class than at me.

"would you like to introduce yourself, sweety,?" she said as she pushed me to the middle of the class before walking to her desk quietly.

I sighed before waving "I'm Y/N Jolie and it's my first day here. I like art and have a passion for everything, I also like to travel" I smiled and then looked at the teacher.

She gestured for me to sit in between these two boys, I can't judge but the one on the left had short black hair that looked like it could cut anything that came in contact with it.

The other boy on the right had short dreads that were golden brown , he looked weird. The teacher brought out papers and gave them to everyone, the work already was annoying.

After some time passed I looked up to see if anyone was finished when I felt someone tap my shoulder, I looked to my right and was met with that Goldie boy smiling at me.

"Hi," I said, he looked at me still "Hi, I'm Tom Kaulitz" I looked at him for a little then at the kid on my left and noticed that they were twins.

"Wait are you guys related?" I asked "Yes, we're actually twins. His name is Bill" he said as I laughed, that was cool since I didn't have any siblings. "That's really coo-" I was interrupted by the bell ringing, and that's when everyone sat up.

I guess time really does fly when meeting new people, anyway, I started to get ready to leave when Tom stopped me" Um I'll see you next week" he smiled again. "see ya, have a good weekend" I waved as I walked off to go home

At Home

As I walked inside I was faced with my mother's boyfriend in the kitchen, he looked me up and down while saying "That's what you wore to your first day of school" I was wearing overalls with a white sleeve top and black shoes.

My jaw dropped as I just stayed quiet, my mom walked in and gave me a kiss on my forehead. "You look gorgeous don't worry about him," she said as she grabbed her lighter and cigarettes.

I was expecting more from her as today was supposed to be special but got nothing, I just went to go the kitchen to get water and a snack when I fell over Robert's foot. "CAN YOU NOT WATCH WHERE YOU'RE WALKING" he screamed at me, and my mom came running in.

"No need to yell, she just wasn't looking" That's when I looked at him and he came running at me, he grabbed a handful of my hair and dragged me up the stairs to my room.

"STOP SHE'S JUST A KID" Mom came running after us, I got up looking away with my eyes watering. That's when I heard a hard slap, I looked up at my mom as she was holding her face. She slapped him back as she walked towards me and grabbed my arm.

she got downstairs and yelled at me "PUT ON YOUR SHOES Y/N" I was confused but did as she said, as I was tieing my shoes she carried me and walked out the door.

The air and sky were cold and dark, she unlocked the car and started it telling me to get in the backseat.

As she drove off I saw her Boyfriend walking out with a baseball bat, I just watched in horror. I sat there crying until my mom spoke "I know I always let him hurt you and I'm sorry Y/N, no kid should be put through this"

I just looked out the window as this wasn't the first and definitely wasn't the last, all I could do was cry and that's what I did until I fell asleep in the backseat.

Author's note- Since your nine, this would make Bill and Tom 10. Just a year age gap, I'm to lazy to do the math so just guess the year🤷🏽‍♀️

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