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A Few Years Later...

I woke up as I needed to get up for an appointment, it was warm inside.

It was summer time meaning that I didn't have any classes, I had to go to the dentist though to get my braces tightened.

I only had one more year before I could get these monsters off, I couldn't wait.

I just know that the pain was gonna be unbearable, I'm 15 now and the year was 2005.

I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom, I had to get ready as after going to the dentist I had a photo shot.

Turns out that my aunt did get me what I wanted after all, thank god for her.

As I brush my teeth I got ready by running into the shower, after I got done in the shower I wrapped my towel around me.

I stood in the mirror and watched my body, god I wish to have a body like those supermodels.

I'm still waiting for my boobs to come in, I know that might sound weird but my dreams were to have the perfect body. I didn't even have any ass yet, but soon it will definitely come in.

I walked out to go to my room and got dressed, I wore low-waisted jeans with a black long-sleeve crop top.

C'mon could you blame me it was in style, Aunt Sofia was at work as she works 7 am to 6 pm.

I got my keys for my car and put on my shoes while grabbing my purse, as I opened the door I saw Tom standing in-front of it.

Seemed like he needed something "Tom, Hi" I said as I walked out, we both were now standing in-front of the door.

"Hi Y/N, where are you going?" He said as he smiled

"I just have to go to the dentist real quick, and then after I have a photo shot, my schedule is booked today," I said as I looked at him and then turned to the door to lock it.

"What time do you think you'll be back?" He said, "Maybe at 5, why?" I said

Tom was really gorgeous to look at, his dreads were very cute and his eyes were magical. His lip piercing was a great feature as it would always catch my eyes, lord why is he so fine?

Tom's POV

"Maybe at 5, why?" She said, the truth was I wanted more time with her.

Every week y/n would come over ever since she was 8, she's just so interesting.

"I just wanted to know if you would like to come over you know, we miss you," I said but in reality I missed her.

"I think I'll be able to come, but you better be free when I show up," she said as she hugged me for her to leave.

Y/N had changed a lot since we were 8, her brown hair has gotten longer and bigger, her lashes show more, she's tall but I'm way taller, her lips are fuller and she has pink train track braces. Her freckles still show, I think everything about her is fascinating.

I could watch her for hours, I just hope she realizes soon. Her body was perfect even though she always complained to me about it, I think she might need glasses soon actually.


After going to the dentist, I got to the place where the photo shoot was taking place.

They had another girl there and holy was she gorgeous, I walked over and said "Hi, I'm y/n Jolie"

She looked over and gave me a weird expression "My name is Denise Richards" she said as she walked off.

Wow, did I do something? What a bitch, I can't believe she just did that.

A man walked towards me and said "Y/N cmon let's go, we have to get you ready" I followed him as he dragged me to a dressing room.

He gave me an outfit and told me that makeup will be here soon, I got dressed and waited for makeup.

They said that it would be better to leave my hair natural as it was a part of me, I totally agree with that. (This is what you wore and they just did lashes on you, you could also pick whatever outfit you want)

 (This is what you wore and they just did lashes on you, you could also pick whatever outfit you want)

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After taking out the photos I watched over while falling in love with all, I said my goodbyes but before I left Denise came up to me and gave me her number, and winked at me.

I went to go leave and drove back home, before going to the Kaulitz house I went home and took a shower.

Denise Richards

"Don't be mad at me because I'm better than you"

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"Don't be mad at me because I'm better than you"

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