★ Camping ★

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I started to get ready since it was really 4:35pm, I wore green jeans and a white vest with some black boots.

I wasn't a stranger to camping as y/n and I would go once in a while, I'm starting to worry about her.

She's not the same, it's like that stupid boyfriend has changed her. She always has a smile when he's around, sometimes I could tell she was faking it.

I care about her deeply but something has to change, why does this always happen to my poor baby.

I'm super proud of her and everything she's accomplished, she's like my own daughter.

That's when I got an incoming call from Bill

"Hello bill, how are you all feeling today?"

"We're good but I was wondering what we should pack and how long we should be staying for"

"We should be staying there until Friday, and just pack comfortable clothes and bring a swimsuit"

Ok I will, thank you miss Sofia"

"No problem, I'll be there to pick you up in a few minutes but no rush" I said laughing at the end.

"Ok, see you soon" he said before hanging up

I packed the rv I rented for the following days and filled it with snacks, pillows, blankets, first aid kit, and tents.

I was always prepared for anything, I'm so unpredictable.

Time skipped

I pulled up to the boys house and helped all four of them out with their bags.

There was only one problem, Devon was there and she looked as ready to go.

I hope y/n isn't affected by this, please let them be on their best behaviour. We all got into the rv as I was driving and everyone was in the back.

"Where's y/n miss Sofia?" Tom asked, "she's still at home but we're gonna go get her now" I said getting in the drivers seat.



To be fair y/n was dating Johnny, and it's not like she liked me anyway. She was just being nice, and I understand why she acts the way she does.

Devon didn't mean shit to me but I kept her around to make y/n jealous or whenever I needed to release some pressure, it was y/n that I wanted.

We got to y/n's house, we were all waiting in the rv until aunt sofia walked back and called me. "Tom do you mind going and waking up y/n, she shouldn't be long" she said going through her purse.

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