★ Birth ★

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8 Months later..

(This should be November of 2010)

I woke up from my bed feeling the need to poo, I knew this wasn't good as I would watch videos on motherhood.

I turned to my clock to see it was 3:43am, this baby girl was definitely coming out tonight.

I got up from bed and started to walk slowly, that's when I felt my water break. Shit, I hurried downstairs and tried to reach out for my shoes but couldn't reach. "That's gonna have to stay" I said.

I walked out the door without my shoe and walked next door to my dads, I rang the doorbell and knocked on the door.

The pain was coming fast, then I heard him open the door.

"Dad, the baby's coming" I said, his mouth dropped before he went inside and grabbed the baby bag.

We both walked to the car as he opened the car door for me, I got in and he started the car.

We went to the nearest hospital and we rushed in, "help someone" my dad yelled.

I laughed though the pain, a nurse came towards us and said "right this way" she said as she held me. She gave me a grown and told me to put it on, my dad stepped out and I changed.

I got in the bed and they started to hook me on to the machine, "How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Just in a lot of pain" I said, she allowed my dad to come in and she started to talk again.

"It seems that you're close so I am unable to give you any pain relief medication right now" she said.

I nodded and the doctor came in and said "Hello miss, we're gonna get you ready so just relax" I started to take deep breath.

I was told to put my knees up and get in place, my dad held my hands as I started to panic. It hurt so bad, this should be a piece of cake why wasn't it like the movies.

"Y/n I need you to start pushing now" the doctor said, I started to push and closed my eyes. "AHHHH HOLY FUCK" I screamed.

"I'm sorry for swearing" I said as I started to tear up, "a little bit harder y/n".

I pushed harder, "OHHHH SHIT" I yelled. I could feel myself hurting more, god can she come out already.


I spent most of my time in my room trying to think of places she might be and I couldn't find anything, I felt empty without her.

Still no sign of her anywhere, I couldn't live without her.

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