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Biting my nails as I stared at the ceiling trying to wrap my head around what had happened last night, a simple hookup leaving me dazed and confused with a soft ache in my back reminding me even if I did shut the memories off somehow. Rolling onto my stomach and stuffing my face into my pillow as I groaned before I sat up and grabbed new clothes and heading into the bathroom, staring a the dark hickeys along my neck with there being 3 clear ones making me have to set the black turtle neck sweater onto the bench with my white shirt and black pants before getting into the shower after stripping. After I changed and pulled on a puffy navy jacket that had fur around the hood I ended up just walking to the ice rink and I looked at the bland trees that looked more yellow to me, I was diagnosed with protanopia colourblindness when I was 2 which meant everything looked yellow or a gross mustard if green and red was like it too but I could see blue perfectly which was handy as my team colour was blue.

"Alex!" Someone yelled from behind me and I looked over my shoulder seeing Will and I immediately turned back around and quickened my walk but he had already caught up.

"Hello" I muttered.

"Why you not stop?" He questioned.

"Because I don't like you Will" I reminded and he grinned.

"Didn't sound like that last night" he snickered as he put a arms around my shoulders but I elbowed him hard in the stomach and he winced but moved off, "alright touching equals pain"

"It was a one time thing don't get your hopes up" I sighed.

"Rude. Who says it has to be one time, sounds better than drinking after a shitty game" he hummed and I let it sink in.

"I'm not sucking your dick every time you win" I scoffed.

"Last time I checked you were very eager" he grinned, "anyway just text me if you want.."

"I'm not texting you a booty call" I glared.

"Fine just like text me like a so called 'practice' and time, I'll even pick you up since you don't have you license... wait how come you don't have you license?" He asked.

"Sure and it because I'm colourblind, how did you not know that" I explained.

"You colourblind! So does that mean you can't like see that tree properly!" He gasped as he overtook so he was more walking sideways.

"I'm green and red colourblind so there more yellow or mustardy colours, I see blue normally" I sighed and he gagged.

"Gross your world would look disgusting" he gagged.

"And you officially just lost your chance of fucking me" I glared.

"No no! I'm sorry!" He laughed but still stressed and I grinned slightly as we walked into the rink, "so does that mean that like my uniform looks like brown? Or mustardy?"

"Yeh basically" I nodded.

"That's crazy..." he whispered as I put my stuff in my locker before grabbing my stick and pulling my skates on as he did the same and when we walked out he ducked into his locker room before coming out again without his bag as he carried his stick and I grabbed a puck, Oliver and Sam were already here and one of Will friends Bailey were waiting for the male.

"Hey it's Mr crybaby" Bailey grinned when he saw me and Will dragged him off as I glared, moving onto the ice and over to my friends, the name had came after I'd had a panic attack on the ice after we lost though people didn't realise that my father had threatened that if I'd lost the game than he'd make sure I learn my lesson. Which was why I made sure Will didn't see my back by putting make up around it.

"I swear next game I'm gonna hurt him" Sam glared at the male behind us.

"Don't bother..." I mumbled as I dropped the puck and guided it around as the Oliver got into the goal as myself and Sam would help Riley work in his defence, hitting it towards Riley and we fell into practice.

Sighing as I did laps before and occasionally sneaked a peak over at Will to figure out what the males weaknesses were and I knew he had a blind spot since he couldn't see short distances mainly when reading but if you managed to sneak into the corner of his eyes it was harder for him to notice but I'm pretty sure he wore contacts now when playing. Rubbing my face before speeding up and I saw Oliver distracted as he stared at Riley and I used the opportunity to speed up than come to a quick halt making ice spray up and hit him and he yelled as he chased after me.

"Come back here you little rat!" He yelled as I laughed and he hugged me as he couldn't actually hurt me without gear so instead he tripped me making me slid across the ice as he skated back, looking back at Riley and Sam who were currently gliding with Sam arms stretched out as Riley held him from behind like the titanic pose.

"What the hell are they doing?" Will asked from next to me as I sat on the ice.

"Being weirdos" I hummed as I stood back up and dusted myself off.

"Guys I'm the iceberg!" Oliver announced and I watched him tackle them.

"How exactly do you guys win?" Will questioned sarcastically.

"Honestly. I don't know" I chuckled.

"Here, I forgot to actually give you my number" he hummed as he handed me a slip of paper and I took it.

"Don't expect me to use it" I reminded before checking my watch to make sure I didn't have to rush to work, I had gotten my degree and finished high school and now worked as a simple barista as it paid well and I enjoyed it so there wasn't any use using my degree, plus I was good friends with the owner.

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