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( since you guys were disappointed about not getting the scene from chapter 14 beware this is unedited since I'm a bit lazy right now)

Staring at the tv bored as I waited for the male to get back home from stopping by his parents house as they had needed his help moving some things, it wasn't that I was bored it was more I'd been a complete idiot and decided to work overtime this week meaning I was on edge from not being able to touch the males bare skin since I woke up early and he was usually at work during my breaks so we only really saw each other at dinner when we were both exhausted to even put food into our mouth. But I'd made sure I got off work early and the male didn't have much today so I'd hopefully be able to sway him into fucking though I sucked at that complained to the male and I swear he was autistic ( no hate to you guys ) at this point since he never pick up on my flirting until I had my hand down his pants.

I sighed heavily as I sat in just boxers and the males hoodie scrolling through my phone as it was more comfortable, soon hearing the door before it open as the male walked in,hanging his beanie, gloves, coat and scarf before putting his boots up and wandering over with a smile as he still had his cream coloured sweater and black dress pants, slick belt thought he looks and leather banded watch. God is he trying to get other peoples numbers.

"Hey... missed you..." he whispered as he crawled over me and I smiled wrapping my arms around him but I nearly screamed when he put his cold hands on my thighs.

"Holy shit! Why your hands so cold!" I exclaimed making him laugh as he put them on my ass regardless.

"It's like 2 inches of snow Alex... I may run got but my gloves are useless in this weather.." he hummed, and he was right as his body was warm unlike his lips and hand as his lips trailed along my neck as he kissed at it softly, "god I missed this..." he whispered as he ran his hands under the hoodie and I ran my own up the back of his sweater and shirt to feel along the muscle and he was more muscular than me as I preferred to be lean since it made me quick on my feet which was need in my line of work.

"I almost called in sick this morning..." I chuckled making him laugh softly.

"You were that excited?" He grinned.

"What... I generally though my dick was gonna fall off" I glared making him laugh softly.

"I don't think that's possible"

"Yeah those where my words when I realised you hot..." I grumbled.

"Really? Because my hand is on your ass and chest"

"Ohh shut up.." I huffed before he lifted me up before sitting back against the couch as I straddled him.

"Hm.. no, I like seeing you get all cocky" he chuckled as he massaged my thighs, sometimes our sex was slow and lazy, sometimes it was rough and fast as we each needed that realise, sometimes it was like this and just peaceful as we joked a little before getting lost in each other.

Leaning down as I pulled him into a kiss so I didn't have to list to him anymore, running my hands up his shirt and sweater as I felt the chain around his neck as I had gotten it for him as I had a matching one which he liked to yank sometimes if I got to bratty (I swear to god, this is a message to my friends, do not bring this up and you said you wanted it detailed so here you go). Soon managing to get his shirt off and my hoodie came next as his lips immediately found my chest, kissing at it before biting down as his tongue circled around my nipple and I bit my lip to hide the strange feeling that I loved as it wasn't quite pain or pleasure but tingled.

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