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Stirring awake when I felt weight cover my chest and I didn't even have to open my eyes to know it was Will returning after he left to get water which led me to wrapping my arms back around him as he got comfortable with his head resting on my chest while he leaned into my side as I was on my back. Lifting a hand which I combed through his messy hair which was probably like mine though he adored me with bed hair and usually tried me to keep it in as it was more fluffy than spiky, like his which was wavy and brown which looked blonde under the sun.

"Good morning" he giggled happily as he kissed along my face while leaning over me.

"Why I have to have a morning person as my boyfriend..." I grumbled

"Wake up..." he complained while tapping my chest.

"No" I huffed while pulling the blanket over my head.

"Babe!" He whined.

"Don't call me babe it's sounds weird" I mumbled.

"What about darling? Or honey" he snickered as he decided since he couldn't get under the blanket his next option was to belly flop onto me and crush me.

"Will! Get your fat ass off me!" I yelled and I heard the door slam open to reveal his younger brother.

"Will! Come on we got shit to do!" He ushered.

"Thank god my saviour! Take him! I want to sleep!" I complained though the male only stood up than yanked my blanket away and I was glad I wore shorts and my hoodie to bed, he grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder and I wish his muscles were only for show but sadly not, "put me down you fucking rat!" I yelled as he carried me downstairs.

"William out him down!" His mother scolded and the male dropped me onto the couch as his mouth took a wooden spoon making the male run for his life with his brother outside.

"Thanks" I sighed.

"That's what happens when you date a man who grew up on a farm" she smiled as she cooked.

"Why did I choose this life..." Amy complained as she came down the hallway and laid down on the couch while I watched as Adam and Will both came running as Will tackled him over the couch making a loud thud sound and there mother didn't look fazed at all. The place was spacious with the living room over looking the property with another room being the living room to the left of the view with a fireplace being to the right of it, a kitchen behind me where his mother cooked where the stairs also started with the top floor having a balcony instead of a closed off hallway and it all had a soft greys and at least I think was green colour scheme.

"Be careful I don't need you breaking anything in your body's or my house" his mum scolded.

"Come on! I though you were strong!" Will laughed as he wrestled with his brother and ended up winning and they were the same height but Will was definitely stronger though I guessed it was since he did hockey.

"It's not fair! Mum will cheats!" His brother complained and I watched the two stand and swarm there mother and I stood up and went over.

"Leave your mother alone" I huffed.

"No" will glared and I grabbed the wooden spoon that his mother handed me and will let out a cry as I hit him hard on the back with it making him immediately surrender like his brother as the two backed up and sat on the couch.

"Thank you dear" she smiled and I nodded while setting the spoon down before going back over to Will and I sat down beside him making him move to sit against me with his head on my shoulder while he played with my hand.

Looking around I realised this was the peaceful environment he got unlike me, this was his home unlike how mine was just a broken house and that was how it was going to always be, ignoring the feeling in my chest and the memories as his father came out in his uniform which was all navy blue and I felt un easy at the thought of the man being able to see my history.

"You going to work?" Will asked and his dad nodded as he took his coffees from his wife before kissing her cheek as they smiled to each other and it almost hurt to see someone with happy parents and I almost envy Will for it, "can we come into work with you?!"

"I'm not sure... alright come on get ready" he sighed and the male practically dragged me upstairs and I changed into my hoodie and black pants while he just changed into a black shirt and pants.

"This is gonna be so fun" he smiled and I nodded while we headed downstairs before we get into his dads black car and headed there.

Police station

Will helped me put the bullet proof vest on and he seemed a bit shocked when he found out I knew how to shoot guns and that I had my name registered to one that I usually took out with me and had it on my ankle he just never felt it due to its location. I'd gotten my license back when I was 18 because of the neighbourhood I lived in and I'd taken 3 lifes because of it which was why I left it and moved in with Sam when I was 20.

"You should join the police academy" his dad smiled.

"Really? Would they allow me with my background?" I questioned.

"Of course, I looked over it and I can get you the papers to sign up if you want, of course you'd have to quite hockey and most likely your other job too but you'll make good money" he explained.

"Yeah... I'll think about it and get back to you at the end of today..." I nodded.

"You'd be able to finish this season since the actual training starts after it" he reassured as we walked into a room where multiple police officers sat at rows of desk and Will sat down in the front and I took the seat beside him as his father set out main tasks for pairs. After everything we finally got into the police car with me sitting in the back as we drove though a neighbour hood waiting for anything to come up or for a call to come through and it didn't take long for it too and I felt my body freeze up at the address.

"That my parents house..."

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